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Pokémon Vortex

Pokémon Vortex Wiki

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We've had a wiki in the works for quite some time now and we wanted it to be a bit more complete before it was actually released but then we thought, it's for the community, why not let them help make it more complete.

All that Vortex knowledge cooking up in your head, throw it onto the wiki. However, don't just dive in creating pages for Pokémon than the content reads "I like this Pokémon" - That's not what a wiki is for. Be sure to read our guidelines and about page for wiki editing. If you're an experienced wiki editor already then feel free to jump straight to it and help get some new articles up.

Here is an example page for Ivysaur: https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/Ivysaur

This is generally how every Pokémon page will look and the contents within it so use it as a template. This page is protected so people can't edit it while it is being used by others as a template. If you feel we missed some information on the Ivysaur page or would like to see something have more detail then let me know and I'll see about getting it added.

If you want some custom CSS or JavaScript added to make a particular page function and look nicer, again, let me know and I'll see what I can do. This one is a bit more likely to be declined though so if you do want either of these customised for a page, please detail why when requesting it.


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