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About Xelmon

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  1. ign: Xelmon_never I don't have any cosmog. Or anything else actually lmao
  2. I have never used bot on my own account, always used other ones and i got banned...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Patrick


      It's a good job bans aren't appealed on people's opinions then @Is.Rar

    3. GodsWithin


      @Patrick Life if rigged like our Instagram Giveaway o4rel, Tsk Tsk

  3. Xelmon

    My Pokemon Store

    So you want 45m for ?
  4. Any legend from ign Storage_
  5. They are uft ign: Storage_ What do you want for them from ign: Storage_ ?
  6. For some reason my last post got deleted... So these are the legends i am looking for: Metallic Shiny Dark Shadow Offering any legends from ign: Storage_ Also offering xp for any of those legends!
  7. http://prnt.sc/c6gxj1 http://prnt.sc/c6gy1h http://prnt.sc/c6h2qy
  8. Xelmon - If there was someone selling drugs in this place, weed know. -Marvel - For the movie i will say The Hunger Games but i love all sci-fi movies
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