Just to let you know the giveaway will be in Chatroom #Bye
Everybody who is coming to the giveaway please report to chatroom. THe channel is called #Bye
I am leaving pokemon vortex. It is not my thing anymore. I will be giving away 20 pokemon in Pokémon vortex chatroom. When I am satisfied that there are many people going to join. I don't have many good pokemon so don't complain. The channel where I am going to do my giveaway is #Bye in Pokémon vortex chatroom. Bye entering display your igh.
Mini Questionnaire
Hello guys I am doing a mini questionnaire that will not be challenging but a lot of fun.
1. If you don't know one of the answers that's ok just take a guess.
2. I do not want anybody searching the answer when I give the questions below it is to test on what you know about vortex and pokemon in general.
3. When displaying the question and the answer make sure your answer is immaculate.
4. For the person who gets the answer correct wins!
5. If you win you will receive a mystery pokemon it might be good or it might be not so good. So don't complain!
6. In order to answer questions correctly I would recommend that practising will be good.
7. Make you are active at all times for you will never know when I will give a question out.
8. There would be only 2 questions! Stay alert!
http://static.pokemon-vortex.com/images/pokemon/Landorus.gifhttp://static.pokemon-vortex.com/images/pokemon/Thundurus.gifhttp://static.pokemon-vortex.com/images/pokemon/Tornadus.gifStay cool!
I am deeply interested in your trades. But the thing is that already have, I guess all of the pokemon that you are going to trade. Nut the only pokemon I do not have is Zygarde 80%. But I am not interested in that.
Like sas said when battling the Ditto transforms in to the pokemon that you have then when it is finished its battle that's when the Ditto transforms back
Pokémon Trivia is having many problems with people claiming that it is necessary for a person to be searching the answers whilst many other people are thinking about the answer. Also many people do botting to help them generate more points.