It's sad to see you go. I still remember you being new to the community @rishivojjala014-2!
Ign : SandyStorm
Song : Closer by Chainsmokers
Tv showw : Steins.
Lmao. Wow, you wrote really much.
Anyways, I never saw the Wins or battles. But, there are chances that he didn't train the exp himself. He might have got it through some training or something........
Also, why are you being so rude?
You're not anybody who can say anything. Either you consider yourself a ......................................Uh, Whatever.
Yes. I think so. The owner of that ign plays legit.
Also, he might have transferred the exp from his main account. Also, I believe it is his storage account as well.
Offered the Mystic One and the Useless Pokemon for the Shiny Spiritomb + Shadow Diglet.
But, I just got 2 Metallic Turtwigs before you. So, can I pick something else in place of it?
I wouldn't offer you like "My Shiny Pikachu (Christmas) for your Dark Latias (Mega)", rather I'll give a fair and good offer.
1. I can offer 2×Unique Sableye + 2×Unique Eevees for the Dark Latias (Mega).
2. Where to offer for the Shadow Charmander?
No, I am not on Discord. You clearly said , " I haveand uft. For the first, any unique non-Shiny Eevee would do, if that's ok. "
So, I made an offer of a non-Shiny Eevee. What's not good there? If there is something else, please elaborate. Ty.