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Everything posted by Xelmon

  1. ign: Xelmon_never I don't have any cosmog. Or anything else actually lmao
  2. I have never used bot on my own account, always used other ones and i got banned...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Patrick


      It's a good job bans aren't appealed on people's opinions then @Is.Rar

    3. GodsWithin


      @Patrick Life if rigged like our Instagram Giveaway o4rel, Tsk Tsk

  3. Xelmon

    My Pokemon Store

    So you want 45m for ?
  4. Any legend from ign Storage_
  5. They are uft ign: Storage_ What do you want for them from ign: Storage_ ?
  6. For some reason my last post got deleted... So these are the legends i am looking for: Metallic Shiny Dark Shadow Offering any legends from ign: Storage_ Also offering xp for any of those legends!
  7. http://prnt.sc/c6gxj1 http://prnt.sc/c6gy1h http://prnt.sc/c6h2qy
  8. Xelmon - If there was someone selling drugs in this place, weed know. -Marvel - For the movie i will say The Hunger Games but i love all sci-fi movies
  9. Well you are not supposed to be able to to that.
  10. Did anyone notice you can add yourself and also offer on your own pokemons? lol
  11. Ok i need offering other legends,fossils or xp. btw if you can i also need unique latios set without metallic and shiny ones.
  12. Offering for if someone is interested.
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