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Everything posted by Kiwinugzfan

  1. Looking for shadow & shiny cufant please offer on my trades
  2. Looking for a dark stantler please offer it for anything on my trade page if u have one.
  3. Thought it was a little greedy last time I trained I did 5 uniques for 3 stars & it was very popular. I am always willing to negotiate rates. still hunting for a mystic grookie I always lose at the last second in auction 🤦‍♂️
  4. Looking for mystic grookie. also offering happiness training any 3 uniques I don’t own for 1 heart trained 😎
  5. https://www.pokemon-vortex.com/trade/search/kiwinugzfan/
  6. Easier way to find it. search kiwinugzfan & click go right to the top & click view trades & go straight to page 11
  7. The icon with the two arrows pointing each way third symbol when you search kiwinugzfan
  8. If you look at page 11 to 21 on my trade page I believe those are shadows & shinies
  9. Any specific shiny or shadows got a lot on my trade page kiwinugzfan if anything interests you
  10. Been out of the game for years but have come back today. Still have heaps of stuff up for trade plz offer if interested. Not sure what rates are these days but please offer something I don’t have on kiwinugzfan.
  11. Trading a bunch of uniques on kiwinugzfan. Looking for any unique cutiefly for those
  12. Trading unique legys for any 2 unique alolan pokes I don't have.
  13. I don't need a shadow Groudon do u have any Alola uniques?
  14. I got a met Groudon & met mewtwo if u r interested in those
  15. looking for all Aola uniques plz offer or message me if you have any for trade.
  16. Trading Looking for plz message me if interested
  17. Searching for offering any legend from my trade kiwinugzfan for those.
  18. Okay don't worry about Omanyte u can offer lileep for togoween if u like
  19. Looking for all offering plz message me if u have any of those fossils & are interested in any of those events.
  20. No srry no longer need nrmal litten. Looking for fossils & unique alolan starters offering met Jedi met pika xmas & nrmal diglett xmas.
  21. Trading met Jedi or met pika xmas for unique Alolan starters. Also looking for nrmal litten.
  22. I got a bunch of uniques uft on kiwinugzfan if u have nrmal litten or pop polio.
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