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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Yousy-RT

  1. Hey, all. I'm running a mini exp shop where I train 100-500K experience on your Pokemon in exchange for various goodies like money, pokemon etc. Money Rates 100K exp - 300K cash 200K exp - 500K cash 300K exp - 700K Cash 400K exp - 900K Cash 500K exp - 1m Cash and so on and so forth. Current Jobs:- to 1m exp for Dav0 to 700k for Ikweetniet to 500k for Dhanush_Tanai I'm on Discord, too - my tag being Yousy#7777; DM me on there for a faster response. And for everyone in AW and AW2....
  2. Hey, I'll give you the Mew for your Dark Unown (H). The Mew is up for trade at IGN Yousy-RT if you wanted to offer
  3. IGN's Yousy-RT Favourite mons 3) 2) 1) Reason for winning :- No reason in particular lol, just figured I'd try my luck before christmas! Thanks for the giveaway, and Happy Christmas!!
  4. Hey. x2 for 6m on my ? Thanks, Yousy
  5. Yousy-RT's the IGN Sentence :- All these people using 'thanks for the giveaway' as their sentence really don't have much taste.
  6. Yeah, I can do that for a Dark. IGN's Yousy-RT; offer up.
  7. I have a Norm Necrozma. Would you be willing to give the Slurpuff for it?
  8. I've got one. I'd do it for your Shiny Kyogre
  9. Yes I can do Tapus. Any in particular?
  10. Human I can offer one unique you do not have or a normal legend
  11. Your Shiny Dialga. How many uniques are you after for it?
  12. Grab me a and I’ll give ya 2 DPs.
  13. For the Volcanion? No. Let me think about that. Nah not really, it's norm so I'm not interested.
  14. My guy I have a norm fairy for ya. Am I right in saying you can do 15m? I'd like it on my please.
  15. Offer me. It's the only one in the game. Meta Pikamas Not after exp.
  16. I can do 2 donations for both waters and a Donation for the Mystic Dex?
  17. Hey all, here we’ve listed all our events, donations and things worth value which we’d like to trade. We are mostly looking for other events, but we are open to negotiations (except Legends, we don't need them) Events - Normal Dark Metallic Mystic Shadow Shiny Donations Misc If you wish to trade and want a fast response please DM me or Echo on discord - @Yousy#0209 and @Echo#615. We will respond to all messages here and on discord.
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