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About Johnscz12

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  • Birthday 04/29/2004

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  1. hi I asked u for training how much for shadow, 2x dark rotomween,5x arceus dark,2 x arceus ice 

    but instead I want u to do for how much for shadow, 2x dark rotomween,3x arceus dark,2 x arceus ice how much for this? and also will u add the 4 mill extra exp?

    and how long will it take?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Johnscz12


      what is ur ign

    3. yogeshfederer


      yeah sure my ign is yogesh_federer

      ur ign?


    4. Johnscz12
  2. my ign - johnscz12 send the poke u want exp to be increased
  3. how much do u want me to train /
  4. after training aggron mega i will train free exp slowly as i told
  5. hiii

    i asked you to train 4 mill free ex you said i will train but now i am training exp on shiny aagron mega

  6. i can train 500000 per working day in saturday i can train upto exp between 1 mil and 2 mil in sunday ican train near 1 mil 1mil (1,000,000)
  7. look folks just a notice " the faster u want the exp of ur poke to be increased, the better should be the offer"
  8. pick any?, rare ? look. select a poke and chat with me in game
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