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Pokémon Vortex


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CLCAL last won the day on April 9 2018

CLCAL had the most liked content!


5 Neutral


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  • Birthday 02/18/1999

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  1. Olá a todos, como jogo faz muito tempo acabo ficando entediado as vezes, então gostaria de sugerir um Rank Mensal. Funcionaria exatamente como o antigo Season Rank, mas sem qualquer premio, apenas para sabermos quem esta ativo, quantas batalhas fizemos no mês, quanto xp foi feito no mês. (Hello everyone, as i playing for a long time, i getting bored sometimes, so i would like to suggest a Monthly Rank. It would work exactly like the old Season Rank, but without any rewards, just so we know who is active, how many battles we did in the month, how much xp was made in the month) TK
  2. CLCAL

    Clan Forum

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  3. Cara ele aparece nos mapas de grama, mas eu realmente acho que mais no mapa do meio, mapa 5, eu ja peguei bastante la
  4. para capturar as ultra beast, mas sem certeza, enquanto a beast ball captura com certeza
  5. Does anyone else agree that this event is confusing? Besides not having any information on the page, there is also lack of support...
  6. I like to buy 2m for 4m ir pd
  7. Up ANARQUIA to the tops, but first 20M 14,518,004/20,000,000 TOTAL: ANARQUIA Level: 100 HP: 400Exp: 14,518,004/100,000,004 GO ON!
  8. For me the game is becoming increasingly monotonous, so I would like to leave this idea: With daily quests where the player could win items and maybe pokemons, the game would be more interesting GO ON!
  9. yes, buy with pokemon, no money... 1m for: and?
  10. I'm training my pokemons and in one of the fights I won 375k, what was the maximum you won?
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