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Pokémon Vortex


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moltres7 last won the day on April 20 2020

moltres7 had the most liked content!


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About moltres7

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  • Birthday January 30

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  1. i can offer you a shiny slugma in return.
  2. Well I access pokemon Vortex from my laptop. less people uses mobile web unless they need it but max of the people love to have an app. An user friendly app will be more beneficial for pokemon vortex thats what I think, Plus the clan battles will be more exciting on an app. What is your opinion? It could have popular as well who knows. may be more than pokemon go.
  3. Hello Patrick,


    Hope you are doing fine. I'm Suvankar may I Have your mail Id please need to discuss something regarding the pokemon Vortex. Hope to hear back from you.


    Thank you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Patrick
    3. moltres7


      Well hello Mr. Patrick. I'm Suvankar well I don't know your full name. May I have your personal mail Id, as I need to discuss something with you.

    4. VITOL


      just kidding Patrick u neva got when im joking :(

  4. Hello all, hope everyone doing fine. According to me now a days everyone uses their mobile rather busy on computer, so An user friendly app of vortex will be more preferable to those people who are having interest in Pokemon but unable to play on vortex from PC. I really don't know if everyone will agree with me or not.
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