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About RadicalDadical94

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  1. I've checked the prices and hopefully you can agree but can we do for and and Now you might think I'm getting it heavily favored to me but the prices show Shadow Groudon is worth more than those three together. Also What about and for
  2. Check My account for anything that you would need ;p Ign: RadicalDadical94
  3. radicaldadical94 I know you wont pick me jsf im looking at you
  4. RadicalDadcal94 94 Mimikyu The players
  5. Ign: RadicalDadical94 Won 45 cosmogs :p Just taking my chances in winning one
  6. +Many Normie Dupes My Stuff Doesn't Look As Nice When Compared to you Guys
  7. wait this was just for regular zekrom and reshiram I thought the black and white forms
  8. I saw the movie. Plus Star Lord isn't creepy, he just makes me laugh with how he plays with his character
  9. IGN: RadicalDadical94 Favorite Stone: Power Stone 3) To get back at any bastard that annoys me Favorite Avenger: Spider Man, but if you don't count him an avenger I will say Chris Pratt Star Lord
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