Hi y'all,
Was wondering about the following:
You know what could be cool? A Pokémon Vortex Pro game mode, where you can only obtain normals and shinies, but shinies are 1 in 450 like in Pogo, and you have events like raid events.
Ofcourse the 1/x does not matter too much, but it's too easy getting "a unique" in this game. Would love to see a hard/pro mode. One where all you can find are normals, and you really get excited when you encounter a shiny Pokémon.
The raid thingy, and ofcourse the 1/450, is straight outta PoGo, but I think it adds a layer to events in the sense that you need to enter on a specific moment, with specific criteria, like we already have in events, but only with a group that you create beforehand; specifically for raids. The whole group needs to be at the same time logged in. If one person fails to enter or logs out for a reason while in a raid, the whole raid will be cancelled for that group (with maybe a penalty?). Idk.
Something to think about.
Pro mode / Hard mode
Smaller chance at shiny
No other uniques
Raid environment
~lots more?~
- Dragony