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Pokémon Vortex


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Gantavya last won the day on February 22 2020

Gantavya had the most liked content!


1 Neutral

About Gantavya

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  1. ign:Gantavya got one from you but I want more! thanks.
  2. ign:Gantavya Thanks alot Firegolem47 cheers!
  3. Guys the give away ended 3 years ago look carefully
  4. ign:Gantavya got one from you but I want more! thanks.
  5. ign:Gantavya never won a cosmog but got one from trade. Thanks
  6. volcanian can not be found on maps Only through trade or auctions
  7. I want your shiny rotom my ign is Gantavya Check my account if you like something and message me.
  8. looking for shadow mewtwo. ign:Gantavya message me if you are willing to trade and check my account for the pokemon you want.
  9. I want your shadow hitmontop. Check my account and message me what pokemon you will take.
  10. What is donor account? how can you become one?
  11. No.Think the rate remains the same.
  12. ign:Gantavya never won a cosmog but got one from trade. Thanks
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