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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Cav3man

  1. I have articuno. What is your user name so I can trade with you
  2. YOU WANT A LEGENDARY? I WILL GET YOU THAT LEGENDARY(not event or cost real money tho) SHINY,DARK,ECT =150K NORMAL = 50K BUY 2(or one unique) GET ONE FREE(RANDOM LEGENDARY) also if u have any unwanted premium Pokemon I will trade 3 unique Pokemon for one my username is Cav3man MY business is open!!!!!
  3. sure do u want a yveltal for 99k


  4. i have the zekrom but you can only have buy one get one free or first order half price

  5. Cav3man

    Legendary Finder

    I will find a legendary for you for 100k your first order is half price buy one get one free
  6.  are any promo codes active


  7. what is mbc

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cav3man


      oh thanks


    3. Cav3man


      also is dragon mobile

      a  map 

    4. holmes4869


      it will launch with an update later


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