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Pokémon Vortex


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About dboss

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  1. Hey are you the same superior as in youtube?


  2. Who would like to trade?


    1. waybig
    2. dboss


      Ok what do you want?


  3. I want primal kyogere and groudon
  4. I was s scamed by alex456 and was just wondering who could help me get my necrozma he stole from me back!!!!!???

    1. Auke1993


      If you have evidence of the scam (such as conversations with the scammer leading up to the scam), then there is a section of the forums where you can make reports of the scam.

      Please make certain to provide every piece of evidence that you can.

    2. Brendon64


      Can you please tell that freakyImp and Jeffpig I have not scammed them I am fed up of. Exp training I don’t wNt to do it because I have got bad luck since I started  and you can check I do not have freakyImps cinderce and I will give back Jeffpig screetini plus I was training it like he said and I don’t have a brother the guy who told them he was my brother must be jealous of me and told lies becuse I just have a baby brother and cousin sisters.

    3. Auke1993


      This was a status update from well over a year ago.
      Are you sure you posted this in the right place? Your name wasn't mentioned.

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