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Pokémon Vortex


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ImmortalDarkCrow last won the day on April 16

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About ImmortalDarkCrow

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  1. May the 4th, Star Wars themed event is closest that is officially known. No other events are planned before this one.
  2. Users have option to turn chat off, and make himself not available to chat. If player is done so, he will be online, but will not be available to chat with. https://imgur.com/qKiAjzO
  3. What can I do if my Pokémon account was banned without justification?
    1. ImmortalDarkCrow


      In reality, no account has ever been banned for no valid reason. 
      And account is not banned if you cant access it, it may be Locked for period of time so admins can check what has said user done something that is not allowed by games rules.

      If it is deducted that user has done something that breaks game rules, then account will be banned you will not be able to access it, but if admins see that you have done nothing that breaks rules of game, then you will get your account back.

      But 95% players that get banned say that they did nothing that was against game rules, not even understanding rules themself. So best of luck and read rules properly and then there will not be any "ban without justification" issue.

  4. As much as i understand from what you have said, it seems you looked at bad example of trade thread. AS it was example of THREAD and not specific word "leggies", it has nothing to do with word "leggies" per se. So using said word is never said to be "bad" word to use.
  5. What would be best pokemon for Sauron?
  6. Gigantamax pokemons are not released yet, as such, users cant get them yet.
  7. Please provide evidences of wrongdoing. P.S. I said same to pk1234 when he asked me to make report
  8. LOL, sorry, but he scammed you and you still keep him as friend? Interesting choice. But, anyways. Being on same route is not against any rules so do not thing anything can be done. Grow up.
  9. I presume you bought pokemon promos. During claiming those promos you have chance (1/6 chance based on wiki) to get avatar of said promo pokemon If you want zamazenta crowned avatar you have 2 ways to get it: buy avatar from pokebay buy zamazenta crowned promos and hope to get avatar during claiming
  10. If you were banned in Pokemon Vortex discord channel, then you cant join back. As for reason why did you get banned in discord server, you probably broke one of discord rules (which one i do not now) And FYI one of discord rules: "If you have been previously removed from the chat, you are not allowed to come back on a new account for any reason (including to ask why you were banned)"
  11. Please provide evidence (screenshots) of your conversation with said person. Without evidence nothing realisticly can be done. You can use https://imgur.com/ to post pictures and links created should be posted in this thread.
  12. Look into ImmortalCrowsTomb trades as there is one up for trade. i will accept trade
  13. For reason of ban, it would be advisable to read ToS that you accepted when registred to play game.
  14. I would agree with this idea ONLY if all previous used usernames would still be visible in profile, similar to Steam.
  15. If you do not remember email address used when you registered it and it is not attected to discord account, then it is impossible to restore account as in restore password requirest email address on which account was registred and password restoring link will be send to said email address. Only option is trying to remember email address, maybe you saved in browsers password manager or wrote it somewere.
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