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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Regitwo

  1. Hello pokemon vortex, i have a question. How can i see the list of spawns on each route. thank you is it in the wiki
  2. It was pretty helpful but for the last paragraph, I got 6-7 points by using 3 Pokémon then it dropped to 2-3 while still using 3 or 4 Pokémon but still, thank you for the detailed explanation. And also, Auke, it says I have 1367 points but I have only 76 Now it has dropped to 1-2 points Nvm I calculated it wrong also aladdin, your advise is helpful dont downvotehim If i can get on seasonal, i will list galarian bird for 1m also auke, i just found outwhat ur formula calculate it calculates the max points u earn so auke solved the problem ty auke ty aladin
  3. red wolf ru still here?

    1. red_wolf_


      Yeah kinda been a while u good homie?

  4. sorry but right now i'm only looking for the point formula, but thank you for the advise.
  5. Hello Pokémon vortex, I have a query. So when I started battle tower I was getting 6-7 points per won, but now I am getting 2-3 points. Is there any formula that I don't know? If so, could you please tell me. Thank you!
  6. Anyone and everyone, I am back! As a celebration, I am listing tons of things on the pokebay. Most of the items are limited time so type in the name "Regitwo" on the pokebay to see the items Regards, Regitwo Also, I forgot to mention, hello to all the friends I had before I left, if u were a friend of mine list some random trade and I shall give u a shiny legendary or some legendary
  7. Hello I have u wanna offer for it? It has 4 star happiness
  8. Yep u heard it. Now I can auction my inventory so look at my Pokemon Came back cuz I finally beat the elite 4 in Pokemon leaf green lol
  9. Hey auke! It has been 2 months since I played so I thank you for bringing back to the game with ur videos! I hope this year will be a good year for you. Stay safe!

    1. Auke1993


      Thank you. I appreciate it a lot.
      I hope to record a new video for Vortex soon.

  10. Giveaway: 3 winners! first prize: shiny mesprit. 2nd prize:dark giratina. 3rd prize:shiny mega Charizard y
  11. I am back from vacation for 2 months.

  12. Hi sorry I was inactive for like 2 months but now I’m back!
  13. Omg I just got 375k poke dollars from 1 immune
  14. Happy Birthday!pls can u catch meor specifically
  15. Regitwo

    Shiny Shop

    Shiny Mew and u get 500k poke dollars
  16. I have found a one hit ko move on normal damage It is on dark moltres It is called burn up
  17. What training account do u use for inkay?
  18. IGN-REGITWO, hope u have the best birthday
  19. Bid on the ultra ball which is selling for 4440000

  20. Regitwo


    K bid on the ultra ball I’m selling and I will trade it to u
  21. @dadeswould u mind to donate 200k poke dollars to me

    1. Pokomaster29


      If you don't mind I can give you if you want 

    2. Regitwo


      Thx pokomaster

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