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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by pufferduk

  1. I had this question for a while, but in your opinion, which is better?
  2. My suggestion is for there to be a teleportation feature in the game, and here are 2 ways i think it can be implemented. 1. Free teleportation for everyone to use (I think this would kind of take back on the “explore” part of the explore section but it would be very nice as new players without much experience with the map can familiarize with the explore section). 2. Having to buy teleportation items (like being able to auction or buy them on the Pokémart), or just having to have a portion of your money deducted when choosing to teleport to a route/area, such as a toll fee in real life. I feel like this feature would be a really good QOL change and I would be very looking forward to it if it is confirmed to be added anywhere in the near future.
  3. I have been looking for an Arceus and I was just curious what the spawn rate is.
  4. 1. A built-in map in the explore section 2. Ability to chat with users while said user is offline
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