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Everything posted by MadCrewz74

  1. I have a shadow Magmar If anyone wants its 15k

  2. Sorry, i'mma put it up for trade, trade me a bad pokemon, then go to auctions, and find my 2 day pokeball auction starting at 1,000 dollars, and pay there. Just double cheking when you say set, do you mean one of each vairent.
  3. ok, thank you a lot, Will have by Febuaruy due to christmas.
  4. Will do when you pay I will trade for no scams He knows
  5. OK! I have it when your ready! It's an unkown (V)!
  6. Yo what will you do for a regular necromza?? IGN: Madcrewz74
  7. ok Done, pay at least 10k on my pokeball auction, but if you are willing to do 140k Do not do it on the one with an auction already, thats another persons payment
  8. Lots of people know where it is, thats why i'm lowering the prices.
  9. I will be hunting for Unowns untill 5/1/2022. Payment is on a pokeball in an auction. Here are my prices. Commons- Random - 1k Your Choice - 3k Your Choice {Specified Variant} - 5k Your Choice {Shiny} - 7k Rare {Unown 1 and 0} - Random - 3k Your Choice - 5k Your Choice {Specified Variant} - 7k Your Choice {Shiny} - 9k Thank you for your time! IGN: MadCrewz74
  10. Hi, I have a level 100 Zapdos for 200k, message me for it IGN: MadCrewz74
  11. Pichu (Halloween) Does it count as a ramdom event pokemon scince it's the only one? Virant does not matter
  12. My level 100 Metelic Zapdos is up for trade! 200K pokedollars or good trade offers.
  13. What will you do for a level 100 greeninja Mabey your Arceus (Dragon)???
  14. Mabey a level 100 greeninja for arceas fire??
  15. My friend WillBRUH56 wants a Darkrai for 50k first go So that’s 100k/2
  16. I forgot, but if I want something else later how do I get it? Did you put it up for trade?
  17. so can you put the bulbasur up for trade and how do I pay?
  18. Thank you, but still how do you get it too me? I'm gessing trade????
  19. Ya sure 10,000 mis type sorry i'ts 17,000 i'd say 15,000
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