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Pokémon Vortex


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About Chirp

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  1. pokipro is their vortex ign. I'm also a bit confused as to how you know who hacked you. froggy12345 hasn't been online since March 2nd, so if it was through in-game dms why would you wait so long to report this?
  2. Galarian Yamask's avatar isn't listed under the Unova Avatars section. (The avatar exists, it just doesn't seem to be there nor is it searchable using the discord command. Other galarian forms are listed.) The upper steelmouth plant also doesn't show the title at the top of the screen upon entering the map. Though I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, it's the only map I've found that doesn't do this.
  3. The battle you need to find will be titled "The Darkest Day" and the team will consist of Zacian, Zamazenta, Eternatus, Zacian (Crowned), Zamazenta (Crowned) and Eternatus (Eternamax). Since all battles are randomly generated teams, it is still possible for a normal battle to have a Zamazenta in it. This will not give you the item.
  4. The back sprite of shadow dreepy has a few red pixels on it which seem out of place. As far as most of the shadows seem to go, only the eyes should be red, or a few distinct markings. This part would also be red on the normal dreepy back sprite.
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