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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by demonstriker

  1. My Hunting Shop is still running. Those who had placed their orders, please remind me. And others can place their orders now.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. eurstin


      So why are you still hunting?

    3. demonstriker


      @eurstin Pm me. I actually dont get what you are saying. I am hunting and didn't you read my previous status update? Pm me.

  2. @seth1129400 give nutella 1 mys vader. He need to complete his vader set.
  3. Unique non leggies put some crappy poke in trade
  4. Since u r close to blackbeardt


    So I'm sending u some 100 lvl pokes which r now left. 

    It will increase ur points.


    Plz beat black xD

    1. demonstriker


      35 lvl 100 pokes offered with some xp pokes too. 

    2. VITOL


      tyvm human but i feel like he's working in other account and whenever i came near to him he will say lol good try and gain 1m points trading something to himself xD 

      but i'll try at least for u :( 

    3. demonstriker


      Remember word impossible says itself I'm possible xD

  5. I just deleted all my messages it was too hard. Now last thing is left some ppl need my forum and vortex acc. Now thinking what to do.
  6. Thnx Mark pm me first so these all going to his account. Sorry bro! Thnx , I was offering xmas pokes
  7. Carlos not taking unique non legends so person who pm me first will get it. Time for 1st prize winner. Time to click randomize button. The winner is Wait .... me lol He is @seth1129400 cant believe it. WOW u just won big. I'm offering @Uncle_Psychic plz do ur job. Byeee!
  8. Wait I'm offering than 1st prize winner will be announced
  9. Hunting goals and dp goal completed. Remaining prizes 6th prize @Carlos Oliveira hat u 5th prize @surana57 wow never thought u will won. 4th @Tyrexx good news u won 3rd @carrliam761 enjoy 2nd @Lunchbox luckiest vortex staff 1st remains hang on tight it will be announced after 30 min
  10. Its already end just winners r left to be nnounced, dont know where @porymon just gone.
  11. I think u should pay 1, they all going to others
  12. Late, party almost over Seth is the second person who knows the fastest way of completing the hunting jobs cuz he work with me and helped me alot.
  13. Black OT is ĺegit, so dont worry.
  14. Thnx Everything left No coming back Ferandrandro also want to take care of thread. 2 of u decide or both of u take cuz hunting is ultra difficult. prize 7th @porymon 6th will announce when 7th will be collected.
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