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CadderIy last won the day on August 30 2017

CadderIy had the most liked content!


42 Excellent


About CadderIy

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  • Birthday 09/20/1995

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  1. they're rare only because they've been around for so short time, like every gen 7 poke. Sounds like a scam to me.
  2. Also found behind this incredibly complex url: www.pokemon-vortex.com/pokedex/
  3. BEST AVATARS in the town !!! contact now- it's free, NO CREDIT CARD needed! These beauties are made to be bidded hard!

  4. Do u have any ids of the scammed pokes? They can be found in recent trade notifications by opening the poke in a new tab, id is the last numbers in the url. By them, u can at least track the pokes' location. (As far as I saw, laoboy has no events on his acc)
  5. Sorting by rarity. Tysm Patrick <3<3
  6. So you assume a giveaway started in February is still active? Go home, kids.
  7. Mine was haven't really been active on maps
  8. Shiny sableye is best in terms of battling and would also fit for its types. But idk if u just looking for something fancy..
  9. as a part of a deal at max, not really needing shinies too much
  10. Tradinglf: old cosplays and dp's except for the . For it not really looking anything spesific.
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