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Pokémon Vortex

MK's First Ever Giveaway

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Hello and Welcome to my First Ever Give-away. All you have to do is post your IGN and your favourite PokeGirl.

Mine is this girl:




  1. No Spamming.
  2. No Reposting.
  3. All Forum Rules Apply.
  4. Winners will be announced by random.org.
  5. This give-away should need at least 20 Posts.

You would be eager to know what I will be giving away. There they are:

  1. Prize: 20 Unique Pokemon+5 Normal Legends from my account of your choice.
  2. Prize:15 Unique Pokemon from my account of your choice.
  3. Prize: 7 Unique Pokemon from my account of your choice.

Winners will be announced on 1st  May 2016.


  1. glaceon001
  2. azuredragon
  3. Alex777
  4. XGantzX
  5. xxxppp01
  6. Pokémon_Mastér
  7. Forev
  8. CaptainX
  9. Mahendra7
  10. Vitol
  11. Reincarnation
  12. SoupsMcNova
  13. Drawnzer
  14. Kaze
  15. Charizardawesome4
  16. Bestisback
  17. Starkban
  18. Eienryuu
  19. LaceyJames
  20. gurbuzur1
  21. Tom---Jerry
  22. Becky
  23. Redconspiracy
  24. rishivojjala014-2
  25. 123aman
  26. StarPonyta20
Edited by manavsharma9231
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