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Pokémon Vortex

Change Team Filters

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I like how you can filter by color such as shiny and shadow. I am slightly a perfectionist however so there are a few more sorting options I'd like to see.


Type: poison, steel, fire etc.

Level: Low to high, High to low.


See I tend to pick one gym/trainer to train on such as the normal type trainer or the psychic gym. So being able to sort for a pokemon that is immune to their moves would be great. I have also been training all my dex pokemon up to level100 whither fully evolved or not. The list is alphabetical by default which is nice but I would love it if I didn't have to go through thirty some lvl100's just to find the next pokemon I need to train.


I am sure this may already be on your minds and this place has come a long way since its early days. So keep up the hard work and I hope that this idea that may have been floating around for a while gets added. Have a great day and I look forward to watching the site grow.

  • Love-dis 1
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Yes like that but for change team.


You can not change your team from All Pokemon so I don't usually go there. You can evolve, change attacks, nickname, trade, sell, or release from All Pokemon but not change your team.


That's why I would like the very thing you pointed out available for the Change Team screen.

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6 hours ago, Dantelion said:

Yes like that but for change team.


You can not change your team from All Pokemon so I don't usually go there. You can evolve, change attacks, nickname, trade, sell, or release from All Pokemon but not change your team.


That's why I would like the very thing you pointed out available for the Change Team screen.

I see, personally I open the change team and view all pokemon pages in two different tabs to let me sort through the pokes in one screen and then make the team changes in the other if that helps you for now. :)

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