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Pokémon Vortex

i got hacked my a vortex user called controls

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my ign was neymar_8
when i typed my password , it says that it is incorrect.
i logged into my another account and opened pokebay-auctions , i searched for my own account neymar_8
i was shocked to see that 94 master balls were up for auction i was surprised
i saw the first bidder of that auction . it was the same ign controls .
i clicked on his account and saw his pokes
all were mine      i realized that is why i couldn't open my account and he hacked it
i saw all the pokemons of my account - neymar_8 , there was nothing but all small pokemons 
patrick, i want revenge . please give me all the pokemons of his account because all are mine . please help me
i request you
please message me on discord app 
my name on discord is : natsu dragneel  
hey patrick , please help me recover my account

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