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Pokémon Vortex

Pokémon Vortex Pro

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Hi y'all,


Was wondering about the following:


You know what could be cool? A Pokémon Vortex Pro game mode, where you can only obtain normals and shinies, but shinies are 1 in 450 like in Pogo, and you have events like raid events.


Ofcourse the 1/x does not matter too much, but it's too easy getting "a unique" in this game. Would love to see a hard/pro mode. One where all you can find are normals, and you really get excited when you encounter a shiny Pokémon. 


The raid thingy, and ofcourse the 1/450, is straight outta PoGo, but I think it adds a layer to events in the sense that you need to enter on a specific moment, with specific criteria, like we already have in events, but only with a group that you create beforehand; specifically for raids. The whole group needs to be at the same time logged in. If one person fails to enter or logs out for a reason while in a raid, the whole raid will be cancelled for that group (with maybe a penalty?). Idk.

Something to think about.
Pro mode / Hard mode
Smaller chance at shiny
No other uniques
Raid environment
~lots more?~

- Dragony

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Encouraging the fact that vortex has not been a copy or has taken ideas form other official online games or be it fan made, creating something like pro mode/ hard mode as you say doesn't satisfy the reason for the existence for vortex for about a decade. Something like that would really decrease the value of the other variants, because most people will be going for the shiny ones of course and for the idea you asked about is probably going to be time consuming. Lastly without any symbol specifying whether the poke is caught from the event or not, it makes a simple path for scamming... So I wont like this feature to be implemented.

Edited by Starzy
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