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Pokémon Vortex
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Pokedex database


Hi guys,


I wanted to analyse pokemon based on types and attack sets. I'm looking for entire pokedex with details (pokemon name, types, base attacks at least) in a downloadable format (or something that can be extracted on excel). Please let me know where to find it?


Thanks in advance!

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On 1/20/2020 at 7:49 AM, shrigkelkar said:

Hi guys,


I wanted to analyse pokemon based on types and attack sets. I'm looking for entire pokedex with details (pokemon name, types, base attacks at least) in a downloadable format (or something that can be extracted on excel). Please let me know where to find it?


Thanks in advance!

Unfortunately that's not something that's available. Pokémon Vortex is not a battle simulator so it has it's own specific move sets, some attacks are not available at all while others don't do exactly what they would in the main series GB/DS/Switch games.

However, for info on attacks, Pokémon and various other in-game mechanics, you can refer to our Wiki. It is community run/updated so some things are incomplete and some things may be outdated or wrong so feel free to contribute to it yourself if you see anything you know but is missing (and if you have time of course).



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