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Pokémon Vortex

Transfering Pokemon to ALT Accounts (Not Trading)

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Being able to transfer Pokemon from a main account to an alt account (without needing to trade it) is something that I feel is almost essential, especially with the trade cap being 30 pokemon per 1 pokemon. Needing to trade pokemon 30 at a time to an alt is WILDLY inconvenient, especially for people who grind seasonals but don't want all the clutter of having hundreds of pokemon and dupes. Not everyone is going for dex completion, and having that option for those of us who aren't would be a huge addition. Of course I have no idea how this would work, I'm assuming it would be through discord or just linking accounts in game. 

Ideally it would function similarly to putting pokemon up for trade, being able to scroll through your pokemon and select which one's you would like to transfer to an alt account. 

As far as I'm aware this feature wouldn't be able to break the game in any way, so I look forward to seeing what you guys think of this idea.


Edit: 20 pokemon per trade, not 30. (Even worse)

Edited by Thorson
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