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Pokémon Vortex

Dig It Out

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I think there should be an event where we dig out fossils.

As we know getting a fossil is very difficult and doing sidequests every time to get a fossil is also very difficult. So I think we should have an event where there is a better chance of getting fossils but not very high chance, a lesser time consuming event for a short time.

My idea of the event: we merge x number of diglett to form a shovel from which we can dig in a cave that will be accessible from the event centre. Chances of getting a fossil would be difficult but the grinding we do in sidequests would be reduced. Every time we use the shovel it would take more time than before, For example it took 1 hour for the first time next time it would take 2 hour and you can get 1 shovel from 1 variant only like if you will get 1 shovel by combining x normal digletts you will need other type of diglett for anorther shovel.

Do you all want a event for hunting a fossil? Do you all like my idea or want a different one?

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