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Pokémon Vortex

in the next update. i hope to get a true "story" like in the real games. and a new leggie just for the end. or they just take away everyones rayquaza and put one there. what would you guys hope for the next update?.

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I definitely wouldn't mind a storyline so long as it remained optional. Maybe have it as a separate tab under battles, or even revamp the sidequests to include a full storyline. Plus maybe adding special separate event storylines that give event pokemon/items. That would definitely be cool!


Other things I hope to see are the clan updates to come to fruition, and adding the ability to trade items and add an option directly sell things rather than auction being the only option. 


This site is already much more sophisticated than crater was, and crater was a lot of fun in its own right. I'm excited to see where it goes in the future!

Edited by junimo
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1 minute ago, junimo said:

I definitely wouldn't mind a storyline so long as it remained optional. Maybe have it as a separate tab under battles, or even revamp the sidequests to include a full storyline. That would definitely be cool! Other things I hope to see are the clan updates to come to fruition, and adding the ability to trade items and add an option directly sell things rather than auction being the only option. 


This site is already much more sophisticated than crater was, and crater was a lot of fun in its own right. I'm excited to see where it goes in the future!

thanks! when i heard the notification and saw someone had posted here i was like "oh no. its gonna be hate. isint it." and it was not!spongebob squarepants rainbow GIF

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