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hide and seek (we postponing until tomorow)

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i am doing some hide and seek. someone will be the seeker. first to say "i want to be seeker" or something like that. then they are the only person seeking. the hiders can hide anywere on the map. all people have to do is see them. not get strait to them. but if you see them. go to them to tell them "hey! i found you!" the hiders will be: me. dragongueen. ELITE_PYthon. lillyzard. and that (will probly be) is all of the hiders. if i am the last to be caught then we do it again. i will say on here who the seeker is. the ones that get found are then seekers. last one hiding wins a groudon. only 1 round though. i dont have 1000000 groudon for this. this will happen again when i get more legendarys though. but in a new topic if this one gets closed

friend me to enter the contest. i will say who the seeker/seekers are here. starts at 2:00 pm mountain time. convert that to your time zone. figure that out. and you get in (if you can play at that time) and NO POSTPONING THIS IF YOU CANT JOIN because this is my hide and seek after all. lots of hiders and a few seekers i hope.



prize is a groudon

ok might have to postpone this it is very windy where i am.



Edited by candy_fudgekin
because the prize is groudon. and this time. only 1 seeker. the more people found. the more seekers though. this time. the edit is because kalipo cant enter
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4 minutes ago, candy_fudgekin said:

i am doing some hide and seek. someone will be the seeker. first to say "i want to be seeker" or something like that. then they are the only person seeking. the hiders can hide anywere on the map. all people have to do is see them. not get strait to them. but if you see them. go to them to tell them "hey! i found you!" the hiders will be: me. iweimax. kalipo. ELITE_PYthon. and anyone else gets to seek.

friend me to enter the contest. i will say who the seeker/seekers are here. starts at 2:00 pm mountain time. convert that to your time zone. figure that out. and you get in (if you can play at that time) and NO POSTPONING THIS IF YOU CANT JOIN because this is my hide and seek after all. lots of hiders and a few seekers i hope.



prize is a groudon

can I seek

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5 minutes ago, candy_fudgekin said:

i am doing some hide and seek. someone will be the seeker. first to say "i want to be seeker" or something like that. then they are the only person seeking. the hiders can hide anywere on the map. all people have to do is see them. not get strait to them. but if you see them. go to them to tell them "hey! i found you!" the hiders will be: me. iweimax. kalipo. ELITE_PYthon. and anyone else gets to seek.

friend me to enter the contest. i will say who the seeker/seekers are here. starts at 2:00 pm mountain time. convert that to your time zone. figure that out. and you get in (if you can play at that time) and NO POSTPONING THIS IF YOU CANT JOIN because this is my hide and seek after all. lots of hiders and a few seekers i hope.



prize is a groudon

How long will the hide and seek will be?

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On 11/25/2020 at 1:04 PM, candy_fudgekin said:

sorry but has to be tomorow. iweimax is not on. not enogh people. (not realy any of the hiders are on) so we cant yet. but tomorow.



On 11/25/2020 at 1:03 PM, DragonQueen5928 said:

because evry one mite be bisy on thanks giving


oh then the day after tomorow


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On 11/25/2020 at 2:10 PM, Elizabeth5 said:

DragonQueen5928 is my sister. I was logged in as her earlier, and so that's what it says. Elizabeth5 is the one who is seeker in the hide and seek

(If you need clarification on who's who, look for the misspelled words. That'll be Elizabeth.)


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