Why IN THE WORLD... Am i banned from Discord?? I have had a few strikes for swearing, allthough i did NOT swear at ANYONE.
All i ever did was saying (**** YES) As in happiness, or stuff like that.
The ban reason is that i said ( OMG this sht is RIGGED.. 140 Mboxes and only 1 top )
How is that ban reason? False ban much? Staff abuse much? What is going on.
I donated over 1000 USD to this game. Unban asap???
Why IN THE WORLD... Am i banned from Discord?? I have had a few strikes for swearing, allthough i did NOT swear at ANYONE.
All i ever did was saying (**** YES) As in happiness, or stuff like that.
The ban reason is that i said ( OMG this sht is RIGGED.. 140 Mboxes and only 1 top )
How is that ban reason? False ban much? Staff abuse much? What is going on.
I donated over 1000 USD to this game. Unban asap???
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