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Tapu fini giveaway (Only one winner as I only have one extra)

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16 hours ago, DecayingDecoy said:

Hello people , So I am hosting my first ever giveaway so who ever wins gets a tapu fini I will be chossing one person randomly results come out on wednesday good luck

please note only one person will win the tapu fini then the giveaway is over


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21 hours ago, DecayingDecoy said:

Hello people , So I am hosting my first ever giveaway so who ever wins gets a tapu fini I will be chossing one person randomly results come out on wednesday good luck

please note only one person will win the tapu fini then the giveaway is over

ign sanathandsaathvik

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knew i would not win. i never win these. i guess people think im not a good player when i have beaten basicly every single pokemon game. including this one (which is too easy. again. i want story in an update)

15 hours ago, DecayingDecoy said:

And the winner is cursed_charmander12 please offer anything on my tapu fini if you dont offer in 2 days your prize will go to someone else


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