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Pokémon Vortex

Giveaway (Great Pokemon)

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Everyone has one chance to do this, if you think you have the answer, send my a message on pokemon vortex. My ign: DragonQueen5928. DO NOT POST IT ON FORUMS! If you put it on forums, then everyone will have access to the answers! 






2nd:Venusaur (Mega)Charizard (Mega y)Blastoise (Mega)














Name this pokemon of Ash's

1: I_f___a_e

2: L_c__r_c

3: D____n__e



4: What's my fovorite alolan pokemon? Hint: Ash has one



5: Who is ash's first rival?



Name that pokemon?


6: 087


8: 587

9: 325


                    Good Luck!

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