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Giveaway as Today is My bestie Chaitanya's Birthday

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Hello guys.First of all I wanna wish my bestie,Chaitanya a many many Happy Returns Of the Day.

Happy Birthday GIF by swerk

 As today is his birthday  I wanna create a giveaway and the prizes are:

darkraidrakloakmetallic rotomdark haunterand  morpeko (hangry)(darkrai, drakloak,metallic rotom,dark rowlet  and dark haunter are fixed prize +you can have any one of mewtwo evolution or morpeko hangry)

Remember there will be only one winner.

To enter this giveaway just post your ign below to enter.


This is not compulsory to enter the prize to who answers this bonus question:

zapdoswhiscash(whiscash is level 100)

Question:What are the pokemons did Ash use and won against kukui in Alola 

Hint 1:T_ _ _a _ a_ (I evolves into it's final evolution after defeating kukui's incineroar)

Hint 2:L_ _an_ o_ (D_ _k) (It can use splintered stormshards and continental crush as it's z move)

Hint 3:R_ _l_ _(It is a starter of Alola Region)

Hint 4:M_ _m_t_ _(It can use Double Iron Bash)

Hint 5:N_ _a_ _d_l(It is an Ultra Beast)

Hint 6:P_ _a_h_(It is with Ash from the first of his pokemon journey)

Have a nice day.Happy Birthday GIF by DOMCAKE once again Chaitanya .


Edited by Nuttyash
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4 minutes ago, Nuttyash said:

Hello guys.First of all I wanna wish my bestie,Chaitanya a many many Happy Returns Of the Day.

Happy Birthday GIF by swerk

 As today is his birthday  I wanna create a giveaway and the prizes are:

darkraidrakloakmetallic rotomdark rowletdark haunterand morpeko (hangry)or  mewtwo (evolution)(darkrai, drakloak,metallic rotom,dark rowlet  and dark haunter are fixed prize +you can have any one of mewtwo evolution or morpeko hangry)

Remember there will be only one winner.

To enter this giveaway just post your ign below to enter.


This is not compulsory to enter the prize to who answers this bonus question:

zapdoswhiscash(whiscash is level 100)

Question:What are the pokemons did Ash use and won against kukui in Alola 

Hint 1:T_ _ _a _ a_ (I evolves into it's final evolution after defeating kukui's incineroar)

Hint 2:L_ _an_ o_ (D_ _k) (It can use splintered stormshards and continental crush as it's z move)

Hint 3:R_ _l_ _(It is a starter of Alola Region)

Hint 4:M_ _m_t_ _(It can use Double Iron Bash)

Hint 5:N_ _a_ _d_l(It is an Ultra Beast)

Hint 6:P_ _a_h_(It is with Ash from the first of his pokemon journey)

Have a nice day.Happy Birthday GIF by DOMCAKE once again Chaitanya .


1= torracat

2= lycanroc dusk

3= rowlet

4= melmetal

5= naganadel

6= pikachu

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8 minutes ago, Nuttyash said:

Hello guys.First of all I wanna wish my bestie,Chaitanya a many many Happy Returns Of the Day.

Happy Birthday GIF by swerk

 As today is his birthday  I wanna create a giveaway and the prizes are:

darkraidrakloakmetallic rotomdark rowletdark haunterand morpeko (hangry)or  mewtwo (evolution)(darkrai, drakloak,metallic rotom,dark rowlet  and dark haunter are fixed prize +you can have any one of mewtwo evolution or morpeko hangry)

Remember there will be only one winner.

To enter this giveaway just post your ign below to enter.


This is not compulsory to enter the prize to who answers this bonus question:

zapdoswhiscash(whiscash is level 100)

Question:What are the pokemons did Ash use and won against kukui in Alola 

Hint 1:T_ _ _a _ a_ (I evolves into it's final evolution after defeating kukui's incineroar)

Hint 2:L_ _an_ o_ (D_ _k) (It can use splintered stormshards and continental crush as it's z move)

Hint 3:R_ _l_ _(It is a starter of Alola Region)

Hint 4:M_ _m_t_ _(It can use Double Iron Bash)

Hint 5:N_ _a_ _d_l(It is an Ultra Beast)

Hint 6:P_ _a_h_(It is with Ash from the first of his pokemon journey)

Have a nice day.Happy Birthday GIF by DOMCAKE once again Chaitanya .



lycanroc dusk






ign sanathandsaathvik

if my answers are correct offer pokemon in my trades

anything is ok for me

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8 minutes ago, sanathandsaathvik said:


lycanroc dusk






ign sanathandsaathvik

if my answers are correct offer pokemon in my trades

anything is ok for me

you won a drakloak or any pokemon you need  keep anything in trades


Edited by Nuttyash
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