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Pokémon Vortex

New attacks and move tutor(US/UM/SW/SH and 2 expassion pass)

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add ultra sun, ultra moon attacks (including move tutor) and new swsh attacks for each poke. I would love to have a shiftry with heat wave, pangoro with outrage, focus punch and fling and sodowoodo with head smash, but they still don't learn those attacks. They could include US and UM move tutors in some type of existing or future game engine (daily missions, quest, etc.)


Ps: The current attacks in the pokemon vortex are out of date still in pokemon XY-ORAS.😶

Edited by Z-Alchemist
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5 hours ago, xVx-Oreo said:

bro go to your pokemon team and then press the electricity bolt and then buy the moves you want

I talk about the attack updates that each pokemln had on ultra sun, ultra mon, sword, shield and expassion pass. The current attacks in the vortex pokemon are out of date still in pokemon XY-ORAS.

Edited by Z-Alchemist
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