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Galarian Trading

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Hi I am  back with a new trade request 

I can give 2 normal legendaries for Zapdos (Galarian)Moltres (Galarian)orArticuno (Galarian). For them I can also give my Arceus (Grass)that is an event pokemon or will try trading Ultra Beast and then giving it to you . But if needed I will give 100 immunes . YES U READ IT RIGHT ... 100 IMMUNES !!! BUT I CANT GIVE ANY ONE TYPE OF IMMUNE LIKE ONLYzubatof 6 level approved also other aproved level 6 Immunes together . That , in short words means that I will give 100  random approved Immunes.  Now as I have to get these so now after posting this message I will get busy in hunting legendaries and immunes . So Bybee.

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On 1/6/2021 at 8:30 PM, Hardieboi said:
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Hi I am  back with a new trade request 

I can give 2 normal legendaries for Zapdos (Galarian)Moltres (Galarian)orArticuno (Galarian). For them I can also give my Arceus (Grass)that is an event pokemon or will try trading Ultra Beast and then giving it to you . But if needed I will give 100 immunes . YES U READ IT RIGHT ... 100 IMMUNES !!! BUT I CANT GIVE ANY ONE TYPE OF IMMUNE LIKE ONLYzubatof 6 level approved also other aproved level 6 Immunes together . That , in short words means that I will give 100  random approved Immunes.  Now as I have to get these so now after posting this message I will get busy in hunting legendaries and immunes . So Bybee.

I think its a flop Idea my friend 100 immunes for Galarian legendaries is ain't worth it, Try next time with a better trading forum

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