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Specific trade (Offering Xerneas (Neutral) or Xerneas (Active))

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18 hours ago, jacobknight911 said:

I will trade a Xerneas (Neutral) or a Xerneas (Active) to anyone who could trade me a full set of Shiny Flabebe, Shiny Floette, and Shiny Florges of every color. If that trade goes through I will offer 2 normal legends as well.

Ign: jacobknight911


I can't give now but I will collect and give you later with floette eternal if you give both neutral and active xerneas

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8 hours ago, Hardieboi said:

I can't give now but I will collect and give you later with floette eternal if you give both neutral and active xerneas

Okay, if you can collect all of them Shiny Flabebe (all colors), Shiny Floette (all colors + eternal), and Shiny Florges (all colors), I will give you Xerneas (Neutral), Xerneas (Active), and 3 Non-Shiny Legends that I have of your choice. I would very much so appreciate this.

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21 hours ago, jacobknight911 said:

Okay, if you can collect all of them Shiny Flabebe (all colors), Shiny Floette (all colors + eternal), and Shiny Florges (all colors), I will give you Xerneas (Neutral), Xerneas (Active), and 3 Non-Shiny Legends that I have of your choice. I would very much so appreciate this.

Me toooo I will work hard and get all of em just in 2 days and give u I need a zekrom reshiram and one more legend of ur choice including the xerneas active with neutral 🙂

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1 hour ago, V7xyz said:

Me toooo I will work hard and get all of em just in 2 days and give u I need a zekrom reshiram and one more legend of ur choice including the xerneas active with neutral 🙂

Sounds good, just let me know when you have them all. First one to get it done will get the pokemon, but remember, I want ALL COLORS of Shiny Flabebe, Shiny Floette (including eternal), and Shiny Florges

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On 1/14/2021 at 10:39 PM, jacobknight911 said:

Sounds good, just let me know when you have them all. First one to get it done will get the pokemon, but remember, I want ALL COLORS of Shiny Flabebe, Shiny Floette (including eternal), and Shiny Florges

Eternal tooo? Thats gonna get tough alright!

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On 1/15/2021 at 11:15 PM, Hardieboi said:

But I have eternal

I want ALL COLORS of Shiny Flabebe, Shiny Floette (including eternal), and Shiny Florges. I realize that a Shiny Floette (Eternal) would be pretty hard to get, so as long as there were just all colors of Shiny Flabebe, Shiny Floette , and Shiny Florges it would be okay. I do want all colors of all three to complete the set though, I have already had 3 different people try to give me only 4 shiny flabebes for both Xerneas.

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