1. Were the Spawn Rates for Basic, Rare, Legendary, and Ultra Beast changed from V4?
- Even if the Rates weren't changed, I think it would be helpful to change the current Wiki article as the "Every Step" and "Encounter Step" mechanic of the game has changed to "cooldown" mechanic.
Wiki Article: https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/Map_Encounter_Rates
2. Were the Spawn Rates for the 6 Unique Variants (Normal, Dark, Metallic, Mystic, Shadow, Shiny) changed?
- This is something unclarified when comparing the "Map Encounter Rate" to the "Map Help" wiki article. The "Map Help" article specifically states:
P.S. - Please note I have searched this question in the forums and read the below article already, but with the contradicting Wiki Articles and the fact that the "Map Encounter Rate" wiki article was modified in July 2020 (before V5 Official Release) only to add the phrase "*These numbers are based on an account that has all gym regions completed" I think the "Map Encounter Rate" wiki article need a re-haul.
P.P.S - Thank you for reading this and for all the hard work you developers @flamescape@Patrick put into this game and community.
1. Were the Spawn Rates for Basic, Rare, Legendary, and Ultra Beast changed from V4?
- Even if the Rates weren't changed, I think it would be helpful to change the current Wiki article as the "Every Step" and "Encounter Step" mechanic of the game has changed to "cooldown" mechanic.
Wiki Article: https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/Map_Encounter_Rates
2. Were the Spawn Rates for the 6 Unique Variants (Normal, Dark, Metallic, Mystic, Shadow, Shiny) changed?
- This is something unclarified when comparing the "Map Encounter Rate" to the "Map Help" wiki article. The "Map Help" article specifically states:
On Pokémon Vortex, each Pokémon is available in 6 different variants (Normal, Shiny, Dark, Mystic, Metallic and Shadow).
Each have varying degrees of appearance rarity:
This applies to all encounters including legendaries and ultra beasts.
Wiki Article: https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/Map_Help
P.S. - Please note I have searched this question in the forums and read the below article already, but with the contradicting Wiki Articles and the fact that the "Map Encounter Rate" wiki article was modified in July 2020 (before V5 Official Release) only to add the phrase "* These numbers are based on an account that has all gym regions completed" I think the "Map Encounter Rate" wiki article need a re-haul.
P.P.S - Thank you for reading this and for all the hard work you developers @flamescape@Patrick put into this game and community.
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