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UTS IS BACK NEW POKEMONS (Updated 27/2/21)

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1 hour ago, V7xyz said:

What for Azelf?? Check my acc and tell 

Dratinireis what I need


1 hour ago, ashworld said:

What for Kyogre (primal)

Sorry I neededGroudon (Primal)for it , and you don't have it 


1 hour ago, Ruby123654 said:

What for Espeonign Ruby123654

I need Tapu Fini as happiness pokemon is worth a legendary

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24 minutes ago, ashworld said:

I will give Mew or Groudon for it


I want your Lucario (mega)

My offer is Giratina

that isn't fair, mega lucario more then giratina


2 hours ago, Hardieboi said:

Here r the pokes

Metallic GroudonDarkrownCharizard (Mega x)Charizard (Mega Y)KartanaKyogre (Primal)Metallic KubfuEspeonLucario (Mega)AzelfBeldumBeedrillButterfreeAlakazamLandorusRegigigasRegiceBlaziken (Mega)coalossalDark ChikoritaCameruptRioluMewDarkrai more will be added later 😊 

i need the primal groudon pls, check my acc what you need

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15 minutes ago, SAMUEL.D.S said:

that isn't fair, mega lucario more then giratina


i need the primal groudon pls, check my acc what you need

He is not trading primal groudon actually he wants it for his primal kyogre 

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3 hours ago, ashworld said:

I will give Mew or Groudon for it


I want your Lucario (mega)

My offer is Giratina

As said by @SAMUEL.D.S,  it isn't fair as its mega lucario with 600k exp


2 hours ago, Nishkar said:

I want regigigas will give giratina 

Sorry it is a dark regigigas and I need a special variant poke for it too like shiny or metallic or etc


2 hours ago, SAMUEL.D.S said:

i mean primal kyogre, wrong poke

I need Groudon (Primal)for it

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