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Looking For Shiny Sylveon

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Hey, I would like to have a Shiny Sylveon pls(if you have any)

I will give ANY except for of my Deino Arcanine Garchomp Lampent

I will not allow these pokemon because i am doing a giveaway with Lampent and the others are in my store on my website if you want you can send me a friend request so you can participate in my giveaways and pokemon shopping. Here is the link:




  • Love-dis 1
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7 hours ago, Shiny_Sylveon said:

Hey, I would like to have a Shiny Sylveon pls(if you have any)

I will give ANY except for of my Deino Arcanine Garchomp Lampent

I will not allow these pokemon because i am doing a giveaway with Lampent and the others are in my store on my website if you want you can send me a friend request so you can participate in my giveaways and pokemon shopping. Here is the link:




Not to be rude but your very under for a shiny sylveon.


first off a shiny eevee is hard to get 

second getting four hearts takes work




sorry :/
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