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7 hours ago, SEGRYSGF said:

i am trading 


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mew-3darkrai-3  deoxysheatrangroudon-2  ho-ohkubfumanaphymew-3metallic groudon




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salamenceporygonmetallic metagrosscharmanderdark metagrossbagongreninjashiny tyranitar (mega)inteleonmunchlax



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kartanasolgaleolunalazygarde (complete)shadow xurkitree


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first to trade gets free darkrai

I just want inteleon I can give any pokemon from my alternative account ign Awesomeboi10 

I will do more trades later

Edited by Hardieboi
pls don't feel offended as I can only afford the rares currently
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1 hour ago, SEGRYSGF said:

  shadow is mor costly then metallick

Can you please spell right? More,not mor. Mettallick...no. Mettalic...yes.


Remember the GFR (Global Forum Rules)? Or the Trade rules? You are the "Bad example". Making us overprice and not spelling right. You were also mean to me after "harvesting" UBs from a exp job. That is why I blocked you.


Here are the trade rules to relate:



(My revenge,he he..)

Edited by SofiX
  • T-rubbish 2
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15 minutes ago, SofiX said:

Can you please spell right? More,not mor. Mettallick...no. Mettalic...yes.


Remember the GFR (Global Forum Rules)? Or the Trade rules? You are the "Bad example". Making us overprice and not spelling right. You were also mean to me after "harvesting" UBs from a exp job. That is why I blocked you.


Here are the trade rules to relate:



(My revenge,he he..)

i am sorry for being a bad example 

a lot of pepole have scammed me so i mostly turned in to bad guy myshelf sorry

mos of you know tony -winning i think even he scammed me when i helped him thats why i dont beleve in a lot of pepole 

sorry again😥

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22 minutes ago, SofiX said:

Can you please spell right? More,not mor. Mettallick...no. Mettalic...yes.


Remember the GFR (Global Forum Rules)? Or the Trade rules? You are the "Bad example". Making us overprice and not spelling right. You were also mean to me after "harvesting" UBs from a exp job. That is why I blocked you.


Here are the trade rules to relate:



(My revenge,he he..)

you were swearing i know

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22 minutes ago, SofiX said:

Can you please spell right? More,not mor. Mettallick...no. Mettalic...yes.


Remember the GFR (Global Forum Rules)? Or the Trade rules? You are the "Bad example". Making us overprice and not spelling right. You were also mean to me after "harvesting" UBs from a exp job. That is why I blocked you.


Here are the trade rules to relate:



(My revenge,he he..)

i know your secret i can use it against you so i say dont make me engage against you

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1 hour ago, SEGRYSGF said:

i know your secret i can use it against you so i say dont make me engage against you

Well,i do not remember i swore on you. But yes, i did swear. I was mostly just using the word Damn if i wanna joke around,but there was 1 time i ligid swore. When i am REALLY pissed and angry,i swear,but that almost never happens. Also,i can get pissed easily,but it is probs my puberty engaging :)


Which secret? Like,almost everyone knows i swear. I am joking around using the word damn when my friends or me are in a problem. And,what is the deal with that? Everyone does it.



Oh,and for the first comment,it is OK. I was just wierded out with the sudden change. I will unblock you,but do not be mean to me.



Edited by SofiX
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10 minutes ago, SofiX said:

Well,i do not remember i swore on you. But yes, i did swear. I was mostly just using the word Damn if i wanna joke around,but there was 1 time i ligid swore. When i am REALLY pissed and angry,i swear,but that almost never happens. Also,i can get pissed easily,but it is probs my puberty engaging :)


Which secret? Like,almost everyone knows i swear. I am joking around using the word damn when my friends or me are in a problem. And,what is the deal with that? Everyone does it.



Oh,and for the first comment,it is OK. I was just wierded out with the sudden change. I will unblock you,but do not be mean to me.




1 hour ago, SEGRYSGF said:

i know your secret i can use it against you so i say dont make me engage against you


Dude's blackmailing kids

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