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I don't log in every day so don't expect me to get to your offer quickly. Enjoy shopping! 😂


Legendaries: Azelf Dark RayquazaArticunoKyogreShadow Tapu Fini

UB's: MissingNo. I have no UB's currently.

Starters: BlazikenChesnaughtBlastoise (Mega)GreninjaEmpoleonShadow CharizardShadow Delphox

Fully Evolved Shinies: Shiny ButterfreeShiny BeedrillShiny CorviknightShiny DiggersbyShiny ExcadrillShiny EldegossShiny FurretShiny HaxorusShiny GyaradosShiny MagmortarShiny MetagrossShiny Noivern


There are no more sections currently.


These will not be on PokeBay because the person who wanted it might not get it. And so I get a Pokemon in return. :) 

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3 hours ago, PenguinizedYT said:

I don't log in every day so don't expect me to get to your offer quickly. Enjoy shopping! 😂


Legendaries: Azelf Dark RayquazaArticunoKyogreShadow Tapu Fini

UB's: MissingNo. I have no UB's currently.

Starters: BlazikenChesnaughtBlastoise (Mega)GreninjaEmpoleonShadow CharizardShadow Delphox

Fully Evolved Shinies: Shiny ButterfreeShiny BeedrillShiny CorviknightShiny DiggersbyShiny ExcadrillShiny EldegossShiny FurretShiny HaxorusShiny GyaradosShiny MagmortarShiny MetagrossShiny Noivern


There are no more sections currently.


These will not be on PokeBay because the person who wanted it might not get it. And so I get a Pokemon in return. :) 

I want Shadow Charizard and Delphox. What do you want?

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13 hours ago, rms701 said:

I want Shadow Charizard and Delphox. What do you want?

I don't really know, I'm basically looking for Shiny Tapu Fini but I wanna nickname it so I don't wanna trade for one so idk. Maybe a Level 6 dark type or normal type shiny?


I'm gonna look through your Pokemon and see what I would want that would be fair.


I'm assuming your ign is your name that is here?

Edited by PenguinizedYT
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4 hours ago, PenguinizedYT said:

I don't really know, I'm basically looking for Shiny Tapu Fini but I wanna nickname it so I don't wanna trade for one so idk. Maybe a Level 6 dark type or normal type shiny?


I'm gonna look through your Pokemon and see what I would want that would be fair.


I'm assuming your ign is your name that is here?


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