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Trading ghost or ground pokes!

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I am trading almost any ghost and ground type Pokemon (Excludes legendary and shiny but I have a darkari) for level 100. I want an eevee or its evolutions at any level past 18. It might take a while to find and train the Pokemon (Like 1-3 days), but if you are interested you can tell me what you want and your username so I can notify you when I'm done!


NOTES: The Eevee/ evolution needs to be at at least lv 20 

You can have up to 30 Pokemon but the higher the level, the less you can get

NO vaporeon or Glaceon, I already have them


I AM training fire types too but it takes longer but I still do them..


More training types coming soon (Maybe)

Edited by CandyCotton
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12 hours ago, CandyCotton said:

I am trading almost any ghost and ground type Pokemon (Excludes legendary and shiny but I have a darkari) for level 100. I want an eevee or its evolutions at any level past 18. It might take a while to find and train the Pokemon (Like 1-3 days), but if you are interested you can tell me what you want and your username so I can notify you when I'm done!

I AM training fire types too but it takes longer but I still do them..


More training types coming soon (Maybe)

i need lvl 6 ground and ghost types, AND i have a spare girl eevee, and also a metallic one

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3 hours ago, SAMUEL.D.S said:

i need lvl 6 ground and ghost types, AND i have a spare girl eevee, and also a metallic one

How many ground and ghost Pokemon? If its just a few I can get it done before tomorrow

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