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3 minutes ago, Abhiramv said:

@SofiX I am trading my legendaries for my missing legendaries 

Or selling my legendaries for pokedollars 

If you have any of my missing legendaries which are mentioned above we can trade


I got Shiny Zekrom,Shiny Shaymin Sky,Shadow Entei.

 And I have 200k pds

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23 minutes ago, Abhiramv said:

@SofiX I am trading my legendaries for my missing legendaries 

Or selling my legendaries for pokedollars 

If you have any of my missing legendaries which are mentioned above we can trade


Shiny Heatran(Master ball),Shiny,(Master ball)Dark,Mystic Manaphy,(Shimy Zekrom and Normal Genesect and Normal giratina and Normal Palkia are caught in Master Balls,  @Guardian_Of_Alola)

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12 hours ago, Abhiramv said:

Hi everyone my ig is abhiramv

I have some pokes for sale or trade 


Normal Legendaries for sale :-

CobalionArticunoZapdosMoltresMewSuicuneMewtwoRaikouEnteiLugiaHo-ohCelebiRegirockRegisteelRegiceLatiasLatiosKyogreGroudonRayquazaJirachiDeoxysUxieMespritAzelfDialgaPalkiaHeatranRegigigasCresseliaKyuremGiratinaPhioneManaphyShayminDarkraiVictiniArceusShaymin (Sky)TerrakionVirizionThundurusTornadusLandorusReshiramZekromKeldeoGenesectXerneas (Active)YveltalZygardeDiancieType-NullTapu kokoTapu leleTapu buluTapu finiMeltanZacianZamazentaEternatusKubfuDratinireDratiniceDratinilicDarkrown


Metallic mewShadow lugiaMystic palkiaMetallic phioneShadow reshiramDark darkrownDark deoxysDark giratinaDark ho-ohDark kyuremDark latiosDark mespritDark shaymin (Sky)Dark suicuneMetallic azelfMetallic groudonMetallic latiosMetallic mespritMetallic Type-NullMetallic uxieMystic dratinilicMystic groudonMystic mespritMystic mewMystic regirockMystic tapu finiMystic virizionShadow azelfShadow kyogreShiny Ho-ohShiny kyuremShiny manaphyShiny mespritShiny mewShiny shaymin (Sky)Shiny uxieShiny zekromMystic articunoMetallic zapdosShadow zapdosMystic moltresShadow suicuneMetallic ho-ohDark celebiMetallic regiceMystic registeelMetallic registeelShadow registeelMystic latiosMetallic rayquazaMystic jirachiMystic darkraiMetallic darkraiShadow darkraiMetallic shaymin (Sky)Metallic arceusMystic cobalionMetallic tornadusMystic reshiramMetallic reshiramMetallic kyuremShadow xerneas (active)Metallic zamazenta



Dark kubfuDark kyogreDark manaphyDark meltanDark mewtwoDark raikouDark silvallyDark tapu kokoDark tapu leleDark victiniDark zacianDark zamazentaMetallic diancieMetallic dratinireMetallic meltanMetallic silvallyMetallic tapu buluMetallic tapu kokoMetallic tapu leleMetallic zacianMystic enteiMystic heatranMystic meltanMystic rayquazaMystic regiceMystic regigigasMystic registeelMystic silvallyMystic tapu buluMystic thundurusMystic tornadusMystic victiniMystic zacianShadow arceusShadow celebiShadow deoxysShadow dratinilicShadow dratinireShadow kubfuShadow latiasShadow MewtwoShadow rayquazaShadow registeelShadow silvallyShadow tapu buluShadow tapu kokoShadow terrakionShadow thundurusShadow tornadusShadow type-NullShiny arceusShiny celebiShiny cobalionShiny darkrownShiny deoxysShiny dialgaShiny diancieShiny dratiniceShiny dratinilicShiny dratinireShiny giratinaShiny jirachiShiny kubfuShiny kyogreShiny latiosShiny meltanShiny MewtwoShiny phioneShiny raikouShiny rayquazaShiny registeelShiny silvallyShiny tapu buluShiny tapu finiShiny tapu kokoShiny type-NullShiny victiniShiny xerneas (Active)Shiny zacianShiny zamazenta

iu have shiny and mystic rayquaza, but both are mega, i also have shiny dratinilic

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