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Attack______Titan is scammer

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I gave Attack_____Titan my cinderace to exp train he told I will train and first he told that he will give me in 50 mins and after that he told it will take 6-7 days and he gave it to his friend 'Kong-ZILLA' to train he didn't trained it till 2 million he trained till 400k and now he doesn't have my poke.

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Its always suggested to get trained from trusted trainers. 
You will have to give evidence like the screen shots containing the chat with the guy. If you have the id of the poke you can track its status if you are on Discord. 

Without any evidence nothing can be done. 

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6 hours ago, Freaky_Imp said:

I gave Attack_____Titan my cinderace to exp train he told I will train and first he told that he will give me in 50 mins and after that he told it will take 6-7 days and he gave it to his friend 'Kong-ZILLA' to train he didn't trained it till 2 million he trained till 400k and now he doesn't have my poke.

he did the samething to me he took my screetini and his brother sends me a mesage saying i got scamed and not to trust him plus he stole my poke dolaars he said he has school so he is going oflline but then he is stil online doing stuff wit my screetini on his team pls send me a emill at jeffpig820@gmail.com for screnshot proof


also screetini my victinis nick name


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Ok you see I am attack____Titan and as you can seee I am training his screetini and that freakyImps Pokemon I gave to Kong-Zilla to train but he never gave it back so then why is he saying I scamed him when Kong-Zilla is the scammer.And I don’t have interest in your Pokemon nor your money anymore from the time I started this exp training  I have got bad luck never doing this again my gmail is karmagyalpolachenpa21b202@sjcnorthpoint.com If you want to gmail me. And I just have a cousin brother who is in college and a baby brother and 5 cousin sisters.

Edited by Brendon64
Spelling mistake
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look after attack____titan messaged me give cinderace back i said ok offer on it then somebody offered on it and it said freaky_imp offered on it so basically freaky_imp took the cinderace and now saying i am a scammer what i just said right now is the truth i saw my trade history and i saw that the offer was made by freaky_imp so it's not my fault since attack____titan wanted it back but freaky_imp took it

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On 6/3/2021 at 10:22 PM, Brendon64 said:

Ok you see I am attack____Titan and as you can seee I am training his screetini and that freakyImps Pokemon I gave to Kong-Zilla to train but he never gave it back so then why is he saying I scamed him when Kong-Zilla is the scammer.And I don’t have interest in your Pokemon nor your money anymore from the time I started this exp training  I have got bad luck never doing this again my gmail is karmagyalpolachenpa21b202@sjcnorthpoint.com If you want to gmail me. And I just have a cousin brother who is in college and a baby brother and 5 cousin sisters.

ya but i told kong zila and he called you a scamer he said he never took pokes from u because he new that you got em from saming


also hope your brother told you to give my poke back looks like he did

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