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Nutella Navigator: Metallic Pokemon Hunt

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And so it begins, the journey to complete my Pokedex, so far I'm done with the Normal Dex, where in Metallic
goes next, evolved those which needed training and evolving, did it myself and filled the Dex, with only a few 
more (113 more Metallic Pokemons remaining to be exact) to complete the Obtainable Metallic Dex. And as for that, so
everyone can participate, I have lowered my rates to make things fast. Well, that's all. Enjoy folks! ^_^

Not online 24/7, so please dearly wait for my response.
Thread is always updated. So, no confusions will be made.
As I have said, First come, First serve basis. Repect this one.
I'm only accepting Pokemons in my wishlist none other else.
No trading with other people in my thread.
Being polite and respectful is also admired.
If you have any inquiries with regards to my thread, PM me.
SHINY = 11-12 Pokemons Mentioned From my Wishlist 
SHADOW = 9-10 Pokemons Mentioned From my Wishlist
DARK/MYSTIC = 8 Pokemons Mentioned From my Wishlist 
METALLIC = 6 Pokemons Mentioned From my Wishlist
If what's in my wishlist which you have is an Evolved via Happiness Pokemon. I will give you a special offer. Just let me know.
Basic Evolution Needed:

Metallic CarvanhaMetallic ChinchouMetallic ChinglingMetallic ElekidMetallic Flabebe (Yellow)Metallic FroakieMetallic Flabebe (White)Metallic GulpinMetallic HonedgeMetallic MagnemiteMetallic MetapodMetallic Mime Jr.Metallic Nidoran (M)Metallic RaltsMetallic SableyeMetallic ShellderMetallic Shellos (East)Metallic Shellos (West)Metallic ShinxMetallic ShuppetMetallic SpoinkMetallic StunkyMetallic TotodileMetallic VoltorbMetallic Wurmple

Stage 2 or 3 Evolution Needed:

Metallic AmpharosMetallic MarillMetallic BanetteMetallic BlisseyMetallic ButterfreeMetallic CascoonMetallic ClefairyMetallic CloysterMetallic CrobatMetallic DustoxMetallic ElectrodeMetallic EspeonMetallic FeraligatrMetallic FroslassMetallic GalladeMetallic Gallade (Mega)Metallic GardevoirMetallic Gardevoir (Mega)Metallic Gastrodon (East)Metallic Glalie (Mega)Metallic GloomMetallic GorebyssMetallic GothitelleMetallic GothoritaMetallic Gourgeist (Small)Metallic GreninjaMetallic GrumpigMetallic GurdurrMetallic HariyamaMetallic HaunterMetallic HaxorusMetallic HippowdonMetallic JigglypuffMetallic KingdraMetallic KirliaMetallic KlinklangMetallic LanturnMetallic LeavannyMetallic LickilickyMetallic LinooneMetallic LombreMetallic LopunnyMetallic Lopunny (Mega)Metallic LoudredMetallic LumineonMetallic LuxioMetallic LuxrayMetallic MagnezoneMetallic MamoswineMetallic MandibuzzMetallic MantineMetallic MedichamMetallic Medicham (Mega)Metallic MismagiusMetallic OctilleryMetallic PelipperMetallic PidgeotMetallic PidgeottoMetallic PiloswineMetallic PolitoedMetallic PoliwrathMetallic Pumpkaboo (Small)Metallic QuagsireMetallic RoseliaMetallic RoseradeMetallic SamurottMetallic Sawsbuck (Autumn)Metallic Sawsbuck (Winter)Metallic SharpedoMetallic ShiftryMetallic SkuntankMetallic SnorlaxMetallic StarmieMetallic SwalotMetallic SwoobatMetallic SylveonMetallic TalonflameMetallic TogeticMetallic ToxicroakMetallic UmbreonMetallic VanillishMetallic VespiquenMetallic VileplumeMetallic WailordMetallic WeezingMetallic WhiscashMetallic Wigglytuff



Dark ArceusDark%20Cobalion.gifDark%20Darkrown.gifDark%20Dialga.gifDark%20Kyurem.gifDark%20Landorus.gifDark%20Palkia.gifDark%20Raikou.gifDark%20Regice.gifDark%20Regigigas.gifDark%20Regirock.gifDark%20Zekrom.gifMetallic%20Arceus.gifMetallic%20Cobalion.gifMetallic%20Cresselia.gifMetallic%20Diancie.gifMetallic%20Genesect.gifMetallic%20Kyurem.gifMetallic%20Mesprit.gifMetallic%20Palkia.gifMetallic%20Regigigas.gifMetallic%20Regirock.gifMetallic%20Reshiram.gifMetallic%20Shaymin%20(Sky).gifMetallic%20Suicune.gifMetallic%20Terrakion.gifMetallic%20Thundurus.gifMetallic%20Virizion.gifMetallic%20Yveltal.gifMetallic%20Zekrom.gifMystic%20Arceus.gifMystic%20Azelf.gifMystic%20Cobalion.gifMystic%20Cresselia.gifMystic%20Dialga.gifMystic%20Diancie.gifMystic%20Genesect.gifMystic%20Kyurem.gifMystic%20Landorus.gifMystic%20Latias.gifMystic%20Mesprit.gifMystic%20Palkia.gifMystic%20Raikou.gifMystic%20Regice.gifMystic%20Regirock.gifMystic%20Registeel.gifMystic%20Reshiram.gifMystic%20Shaymin%20(Sky).gifMystic%20Terrakion.gifMystic%20Thundurus.gifMystic%20Tornadus.gifMystic%20Yveltal.gifMystic%20Zapdos.gifMystic%20Zekrom.gifShadow%20Azelf.gifShadow%20Cobalion.gifShadow%20Cresselia.gifShadow%20Darkrai.gifShadow%20Deoxys.gifShadow%20Diancie.gifShadow%20Genesect.gifShadow%20Groudon.gifShadow%20Kyurem.gifShadow%20Landorus.gifShadow%20Lugia.gifShadow%20Mesprit.gifShadow%20Metagross%20(Mega).gifShadow%20Mew.gifShadow%20Moltres.gifShadow%20Palkia.gifShadow%20Raikou.gifShadow%20Regice.gifShadow%20Regigigas.gifShadow%20Registeel.gifShadow%20Shaymin%20(Sky).gifShadow%20Terrakion.gifShadow%20Thundurus.gifShadow%20Tornadus.gifShadow%20Virizion.gifShadow%20Xerneas%20(Active).gifShadow%20Yveltal.gif  Shadow%20Zapdos.gifShadow%20Zekrom.gifShiny%20Azelf.gifShiny%20Celebi.gifShiny%20Cobalion.gifShiny%20Darkrai.gifShiny%20Darkrown.gifShiny%20Dialga.gifShiny%20Jirachi.gifShiny%20Keldeo.gifShiny%20Kyurem.gifShiny%20Landorus.gifShiny%20Lugia.gifShiny%20Moltres.gifShiny%20Raikou.gifShiny%20Regigigas.gifShiny%20Regirock.gifShiny%20Registeel.gifShiny%20Reshiram.gifShiny%20Shaymin%20(Sky).gifShiny%20Thundurus.gifShiny%20Uxie.gifShiny%20Virizion.gifShiny%20Yveltal.gifShiny%20Zekrom.gif

On a side note, I have these special pokemon under this spoiler that I am trading if you have at least 30+ or more Pokemon from my Wishlist, we can make a deal for these Pokemons under these spoiler.


ShieldonKabutoKabutopsOmanyteMystic OmastarVivillon (Fancy)Vivillon (Pokeball)Mystic Vivillon (Fancy)Pikachu (Jedi)Latias (Mega)Shadow Latios (Mega)Zygarde (Complete)Metallic Zygarde (Partial)Zygarde (Core)Mystic Kyurem (White)

Well that was tedious work, doing all of the PK Tags. Hope you enjoy. Cheers! ^_^ 

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46 minutes ago, Alan Solis said:

I don't know if it's only me, but i can't see what you need in neither spoiler

Edited, please check back now.

33 minutes ago, darkxknight101 said:

Fear not i can provide you with that Metallic Munchlax.

Ill take 3 of each rarity of legends you have. Ill let you decide which ones because well, i am nice guy.

Did you really understand the rates or not? Please read again? lol

33 minutes ago, azuredragon said:

Metallic Caterpie  Metallic BidoofMetallic BellsproutMetallic BudewMetallic Chatotfor  Metallic Arceus ?


 Sure thing! :) Please offer on ShadowConspiracy

31 minutes ago, azuredragon said:

 Metallic ChespinMetallic DoduoMetallic EeveeMetallic Exeggcutefor Metallic Groudon?

Well but of course, please offer on ShadowConspiracy 
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6 minutes ago, Nutella Navigator said:

Edited, please check back now.

Did you really understand the rates or not? Please read again? lol

 Sure thing! :) Please offer on ShadowConspiracy

Well but of course, please offer on ShadowConspiracy 

Thank you ! offered :) 

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Can you please check if I have anything for the shadow Lugia? I see other Pokemon I want but that is top priority. My ign is justdolex. Feel free to message me in game (: also interested in any event Pokemon I missed out on

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18 hours ago, starphoenix said:

Hello, may I know how many pokes on your wishlist you're trading your Rotom Halloween for? I know you said 30+, but I was just wondering what exactly that meant. Thank you very much for your reply. :)

The deal for my Rotom (Halloween)is 50 uniques from my wishlist, would you do it? ^_^ Thanks for your reply as well ;)

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5 hours ago, justdolex said:

Can you please check if I have anything for the shadow Lugia? I see other Pokemon I want but that is top priority. My ign is justdolex. Feel free to message me in game (: also interested in any event Pokemon I missed out on


5 hours ago, justdolex said:

Can you please check if I have anything for the shadow Lugia? I see other Pokemon I want but that is top priority. My ign is justdolex. Feel free to message me in game (: also interested in any event Pokemon I missed out on

Sure. If you have 9-10 Pokemons mentioned in my Wishlist. I can give you a Shadow Lugia. ^_^ 

Btw, I just declined your offer. I know we can make an even better deal for that, tfk, it's an event one, so that means I won't give it easily, but if you have a good offer, Wynaut? hehe :P 

Edited by Guest
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@Nutella Navigator Do you have uniques for trade? I think i have some of your list, but i'm not looking for legends right now.

Also, how many you want for the metallic complete and the shiny kyurem? Just to know :)

Edited by Alan Solis
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Yes, uniques for uniques, please check the account elijah098 for the spare metallic uniques

for those two mentioned, 300 for shiny white and 450 for metallic complete :) These are still negotiable ^_^ 

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This  Metallic BinacleMetallic Blastoise (Mega)Metallic FrillishMetallic QuilavaMetallic SurskitMetallic Yamask for my Metallic Deerling (Autumn)Metallic PhanpyMetallic PetililMetallic PidgeyMetallic Spearow. The're UFT in Malan.

17 minutes ago, Nutella Navigator said:

Yes, uniques for uniques, please check the account elijah098 for the spare metallic uniques


Do you have other uniques beside metallic spares?

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7 minutes ago, Alan Solis said:

This  Metallic BinacleMetallic Blastoise (Mega)Metallic FrillishMetallic QuilavaMetallic SurskitMetallic Yamask for my Metallic Deerling (Autumn)Metallic PhanpyMetallic PetililMetallic PidgeyMetallic Spearow. The're UFT in Malan.

Do you have other uniques beside metallic spares?

I think there are none. Anyways, nice trade, thanks! :)

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3 minutes ago, Nutella Navigator said:

I think there are none. Anyways, nice trade, thanks! :)

I just realized that i missed one of my uniques. The Metallic Blastoise (Mega)for Metallic Wurmple?

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5 hours ago, Nutella Navigator said:

The deal for my Rotom (Halloween)is 50 uniques from my wishlist, would you do it? ^_^ Thanks for your reply as well ;)

I'm currently looking through my pokes right now lol. May I know if the Stage 2/3 evolutions are worth more? Because they need to be levelled up from their base forms. Would it be fair to say that each stage 2/3 evolution is worth 2x of a base form metallic poke?

Thank you very much for your clarification, and I'm sorry for being a bother.

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I have the following:

Metallic%20Deerling%20(Autumn).gif Metallic Deerling (Autumn) 70 35,000 Tackle 
Double Kick 
Feint Attack
Change Attacks 
Wonder Trade
Metallic%20Deerling%20(Winter).gif Metallic Deerling (Winter) 5 2,500 Tackle 
Double Kick 
Feint Attack
Change Attacks 
Wonder Trade
Metallic%20Eevee.gif Metallic Eevee 15 7,500 Quick Attack 
Secret Power 
Iron Tail 
Change Attacks 
Wonder Trade
Metallic%20Mareep.gif Metallic Mareep 20 10,000 Thunder Shock 
Thunder Wave 
Signal Beam
Change Attacks 
Wonder Trade
Metallic%20Scatterbug.gif Metallic Scatterbug 8 4,000 String Shot 
Bug Bite 
Poison Sting
Change Attacks 
Wonder Trade

(Also a metallic Staryu)


Before I make any offers, would metallic scatterbugs be valued higher than other metallics?

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