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Pokémon Vortex

Pokemon Attack Strength

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This is a little guide on attack strength/damage calculation in Pokemon Vortex

With reasonable confidence the formula for Pokemon attacks is as follows:

Damage= Level times Base Power times STAB times Dark Bonus times Metallic Penalty times Other Modifiers divided by 60

where STAB=Same Type Attack Bonus, which is 1.5 if the Pokemon has the same type as the attack it is using, 1 if not

The Dark Bonus is 1.25 if your Pokemon is a Dark Pokemon, 1 otherwise

The Metallic Penalty is 0.75 if you are attacking a Metallic Pokemon, 1 otherwise

Other Modifiers includes Critical hits, which have a 1.5 modifier, and type effectiveness, which can be 0.25 (both the defending Pokemon's types resist your attack), 0.5, 1, 2, 4 (both the defending Pokemons types take double damage from your attack), or 0 (the defending Pokemon is immune to your attack)

The final calculation is then rounded off to give the damage dealt in game

Example: A L100 Charizard Mega X attacks a Metallic Pikachu with Blast Burn and hits

Therefore, Damage =100x150x1.5x1x0.75x1/60 (no critical hit, type effectiveness normal)

=281.25, which is rounded down to 281HP damage dealt



Base power and types of moves can be found here

Pokemon types can be found here or in the Pokedex tab in Pokemon Vortex

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