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SaySykesRN is a scammer

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SaySykesRN accepted an exp job and took "shadow giratina origin promo" in advance. After that, he quit the deal before he starts. However, he did not pay for the origin promo. When we ask for the payment, he claimed that he already paid and send us screenshot which shows he paid 40 mill pds on rv230's pokeball. We have checked the auction ID by asking Patrick. It did not belong to rv230 and It was not for 40 mill pds, but 3.5 mill pds. It means he edited the picture, changed the nickname, and the amount in order to defend himself. 
https://prnt.sc/709kC3aRqEj4   (the SS saysykes sent)
https://prnt.sc/ShfVfhF69Vcp    (the moment he claimed that he paid 40 mill)
https://prnt.sc/MqYLksUrRV54   (the SS Patrick showed)  https://www.pokemon-vortex.com/pokebay/auction/6070181

If those are not enough. He also took 26 mill pds loan and told he is going to pay back in 6-7 hours. Although he had enough PDs, he did not pay after 18 days.
Thanks for your time! 

Edited by Patrick
Removed instructions on how to doctor screenshots. Not necessary information and only serves to help people scam in the future.
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Just to add some additional supporting - Here it is me offering the promo code after confirmation.



Below is the SS of promo claimed: 



And, here is how he leaves the exp job without proper communication/message. When asked to pay up in PD's - I get an edited auction ID from him claiming he has made the payment, which is a very deceiving move. Also including SS from my "Sold" items sorted by price where the auction which he is claiming is not visible at all.



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