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God's Trades :D

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Shiny CharmanderRulesShiny Charmander


            1. All Global Rules apply

2. You offer First

3. No means No

                4. No Fighting please         

                               Hope you enjoy trading with me :) 


Shiny ChimcharRates For Trading Shiny Chimchar


Commons sense trades other than that just offer and I will tell you what I think


Shadow PichuStuff for Trade Shadow Pichu



MetallicMetallic Munchlax


Metallic Fennekin(x2)Metallic MagikarpMetallic AudinoMetallic EmolgaMetallic AbraMetallic AbsolMetallic AudinoMetallic BouffalantMetallic BudewMetallic ChinglingMetallic CleffaMetallic CottoneeMetallic DarumakaMetallic DeinoMetallic ElekidMetallic Flabebe (Blue)Metallic KecleonMetallic LitwickMetallic MiltankMetallic OshawottMetallic PorygonMetallic RhyhornMetallic SkrelpMetallic Solrock(x2)Metallic SpindaMetallic StantlerMetallic SwirlixMetallic Tepig(x2)Metallic TorchicMetallic TurtwigMetallic TyrogueMetallic Unown (P)Metallic Unown (Q)Metallic Unown (S)Metallic VenipedeMetallic Zubat


ShinyShiny Munchlax


Shiny TepigShiny Aggron (Mega)Shiny Aron(x2)Shiny BagonShiny Basculin (Blue Stripe)Shiny BeldumShiny BidoofShiny BinacleShiny BlitzleShiny BronzorShiny BuizelShiny BunearyShiny Burmy (Steel)Shiny CacneaShiny CharmeleonShiny Caterpie(x2)Shiny CherubiShiny ChimcharShiny CleffaShiny CrustleShiny DarumakaShiny DrifloonShiny DrilburShiny DruddigonShiny DucklettShiny Espurr(x2)Shiny FerroseedShiny Flabebe (Orange)Shiny Flabebe (Red)Shiny GlaceonShiny GoomyShiny HappinyShiny HelioptileShiny HonedgeShiny HoothootShiny HorseaShiny HoundourShiny IgglybuffShiny IllumiseShiny InkayShiny JolteonShiny JoltikShiny KlefkiShiny Kricketot(x2)Shiny KoffingShiny LarvestaShiny Larvitar(x5)Shiny LitleoShiny LunatoneShiny MachopShiny MagikarpShiny MienfooShiny OshawottShiny Pancham(x2)Shiny PhanpyShiny PichuShiny Ponyta(x2)Shiny PurrloinShiny RuffletShiny SandshrewShiny SawkShiny ScraggyShiny SeelShiny ShellderShiny ShelmetShiny ShuppetShiny SigilyphShiny SneaselShiny SpearowShiny SnoruntShiny StunfiskShiny SwabluShiny Swirlix(x2)Shiny TaurosShiny TorchicShiny TorchicShiny TorterraShiny TreeckoShiny Togepi(x4)Shiny TrapinchShiny TrubbishShiny TympoleShiny Unown (Ex)Shiny Unown (H)Shiny Unown (J)Shiny Unown (O)Shiny Unown (W)Shiny Unown (X)Shiny VanilliteShiny VullabyShiny VulpixShiny WoobatShiny Zubat(x4)


Dark Dark Munchlax


Dark GligarDark SkiddoDark Aron(x2)Dark AxewDark BagonDark BudewDark DeinoDark EkansDark Gible(x2)Dark GrowlitheDark HorseaDark IgglybuffDark InkayDark KecleonDark LaprasDark LarvitarDark LickitungDark MunchlaxDark PachirisuDark PidoveDark PiplupDark Riolu(x3)Dark ScytherDark SerperiorDark SewaddleDark ShuckleDark SlugmaDark SnivyDark SpoinkDark TogepiDark TotodileDark Unown (Y)

  ASK me if you need something that I didn't list!


Mystic Mystic Munchlax


Mystic BaltoyMystic Buneary(x2)Mystic Burmy (Plant)Mystic CarvanhaMystic CorphishMystic Cubone(x2)Mystic DrowzeeMystic EkansMystic FoongusMystic GibleMystic EspurrMystic FennekinMystic Lopunny (Mega)Mystic Metagross (Mega)Mystic PansearMystic SentretMystic ShelmetMystic SnoverMystic TaurosMystic Trapinch

   ASK me if you need something that I didn't list!


Shadow Shadow Munchlax


Shadow CharmanderShadow MachopShadow ShellderShadow ElekidShadow AbsolShadow AronShadow AxewShadow BagonShadow BinacleShadow BraviaryShadow BudewShadow BulbasaurShadow CarbinkShadow CastformShadow CherubiShadow ChimcharShadow Deerling (Summer)Shadow DuskullShadow DwebbleShadow EmolgaShadow Exeggcute(x2)Shadow FerroseedShadow FinneonShadow Flabebe (Blue)Shadow Foongus(x2)Shadow GligarShadow GrimerShadow GrowlitheShadow IgglybuffShadow KoffingShadow Larvitar(x2)Shadow LitwickShadow MagikarpShadow MawileShadow MudkipShadow MunnaShadow Oshawott(x2)Shadow Pichu (Notched)Shadow PidoveShadow PonytaShadow PurrloinShadow ShuckleShadow SlugmaShadow SneaselShadow SnoruntShadow SolrockShadow Squirtle(x2)Shadow SwirlixShadow TotodileShadow TropiusShadow TyrogueShadow Unown (C)Shadow Unown (G)Shadow Unown (M)Shadow Unown (Q)Shadow VenonatShadow VullabyShadow Wynaut

    ASK me if you need something that I didn't list!

Togepis/Eevees/Happiness Pokemon Shiny Eevee


Eevee(x4)Metallic Eevee(x6) Mystic Eevee(x7) Shadow Eevee(x3) Shiny Eevee

TogepiDark TogepiShiny Togepi(x3)

RioluDark Riolu(x2)Shadow Riolu(x2)Shiny Riolu(x4) 

BunearyMystic Buneary(x2)  Shadow Buneary(x2)Shiny Buneary

MunchlaxMystic MunchlaxShiny Munchlax(x2)

Shiny Pichu(x10)



Fossils Shiny Cranidos


Shiny AerodactylShiny Aerodactyl (Mega)

OmanyteShadow Omanyte

Shadow Kabuto



EventsShiny Pikachu (Jedi)


Pikachu (Jedi)Metallic Pikachu (Jedi)Rotom (Halloween)Kyurem (Black)Kyurem (White)




Metallic%20Celebi.gifMetallic%20Celebi.gifMetallic%20Celebi.gifMetallic DarkraiMetallic DeoxysMetallic%20Entei.gifMetallic GenesectMetallic GenesectMetallic HeatranMetallic Ho-ohMetallic%20Jirachi.gifMetallic%20Jirachi.gifMetallic KeldeoMetallic%20Landorus.gifMetallic%20Landorus.gifMetallic LatiasMetallic LugiaMetallic ManaphyMetallic MespritMetallic%20Mew.gifMetallic%20Palkia.gifMetallic%20Palkia.gifMetallic%20Palkia.gifMetallic PhioneMetallic RaikouMetallic RayquazaMetallic%20Rayquaza%20%28Mega%29.gifMetallic RegigigasMetallic RegigigasMetallic%20Regirock.gifMetallic%20Regirock.gifMetallic%20Reshiram.gifMetallic%20Reshiram.gifMetallic%20Shaymin.gifMetallic Shaymin (Sky)Metallic Shaymin (Sky)Metallic%20Suicune.gifMetallic%20Terrakion.gifMetallic%20Terrakion.gifMetallic UxieMetallic UxieMetallic UxieMetallic VictiniMetallic VictiniMetallic VirizionMetallic Xerneas (Active)Metallic%20Yveltal.gifMetallic%20Yveltal.gifMetallic ZapdosMetallic ZekromMetallic Zygardefull


Shadow AzelfShadow AzelfShadow CelebiShadow CobalionShadow CresseliaShadow DarkraiShadow%20Entei.gifShadow%20Entei.gifShadow%20Entei.gifShadow GenesectShadow%20Giratina.gifShadow GroudonShadow JirachiShadow LandorusShadow LatiasShadow LugiaShadow%20Mew.gifShadow%20Mew.gifShadow%20Mewtwo.gifShadow%20Palkia.gifShadow%20Palkia.gifShadow PhioneShadow%20Rayquaza%20%28Mega%29.gifShadow RegigigasShadow RegirockShadow%20Registeel.gifShadow%20Registeel.gifShadow RotomShadow SuicuneShadow SuicuneShadow%20Terrakion.gifShadow%20Terrakion.gifShadow%20Virizion.gifShadow%20Virizion.gifShadow%20Virizion.gifShadow Xerneas (Active)Shadow%20Yveltal.gifShadow%20Yveltal.gifShadow%20Yveltal.gifShadow ZekromShadow Zygardefull done



Shiny DiancieShiny%20Genesect.gifShiny%20Genesect.gifShiny%20Mesprit.gifShiny PhioneShiny%20Regigigas.gifShiny RegirockShiny RotomShiny ShayminShiny Shaymin (Sky)Shiny SuicuneShiny TerrakionShiny TornadusShiny UxieShiny%20Virizion.gifShiny%20Virizion.gifShiny%20Virizion.gifShiny%20Virizion.giffull done


Dark ArticunoDark ArticunoDark AzelfDark AzelfDark GenesectDark GenesectDark%20Heatran.gifDark%20Heatran.gifDark KeldeoDark KyuremDark LugiaDark LugiaDark LugiaDark MewDark MoltresDark PalkiaDark PalkiaDark ShayminDark%20Shaymin%20%28Sky%29.gifDark%20Shaymin%20%28Sky%29.gifDark SuicuneDark SuicuneDark%20Virizion.gifDark%20Virizion.gifDark%20Virizion.gifDark%20Virizion.gifDark%20Yveltal.gifDark%20Yveltal.gifDark%20Yveltal.gifDark Zygarde Full Done


Mystic%20Cobalion.gifMystic%20Cobalion.gifMystic CresseliaMystic%20Darkrai.gifMystic DeoxysMystic%20Entei.gifMystic%20Entei.gifMystic%20Genesect.gifMystic%20Genesect.gifMystic%20Genesect.gifMystic%20Jirachi.gifMystic%20Jirachi.gifMystic KeldeoMystic LandorusMystic LugiaMystic LugiaMystic ManaphyMystic MespritMystic MespritMystic MewMystic%20Mewtwo.gifMystic%20Mewtwo%20%28Mega%20Y%29.gifMystic MoltresMystic PalkiaMystic RaikouMystic RayquazaMystic RayquazaMystic%20Regigigas.gifMystic%20Regigigas.gifMystic%20Regirock.gifMystic%20Regirock.gifMystic RegisteelMystic ShayminMystic ShayminMystic ShayminMystic Shaymin (Sky)Mystic SuicuneMystic TerrakionMystic TerrakionMystic ThundurusMystic TornadusMystic TornadusMystic UxieMystic VictiniMystic VirizionMystic%20Yveltal.gifMystic%20Yveltal.gifMystic%20Zekrom.gifMystic%20Zekrom.gifMystic ZygardeMystic Zygardefull done done

Edited by GodsWithin
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3 minutes ago, rishivojjala014-2 said:

Hey can't see what shadow pokemon u have can u tell your vortex username  atleast ??

Hey! My shadow pokemon are split over 10-15 accounts, Instead of checking each one tediously how about you tell me 10 that you need and ill tell you my status on them? It will be way easier for you and me that way. I have a lot of base non legendary shadow pokemon


Edited by GodsWithin
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I'm interested in this, since i'm trying to finish the dex. Can you tell what is your ign and i'll check what i need?

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5 minutes ago, GodsWithin said:

Hey! My shadow pokemon are split over 10-15 accounts, Instead of checking each one tediously how about you tell me 10 that you need and ill tell you my status on them? It will be way easier for you and me that way. I have a lot of base non legendary shadow pokemon


I saw 1 of your accounts saw a shadow pidgey - want that , looking for mostly all shadow pokemon specially these for now - ralts ,  scatterbug , eevee , but tell me what shadows u have cause I may take them too :)

Edited by rishivojjala014-2
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12 hours ago, Alan Solis said:

I'm interested in this, since i'm trying to finish the dex. Can you tell what is your ign and i'll check what i need?

Do you mind looking over 10-15 accounts to find them? I'm currently working to move them to my main account. In the mean time do you have list of them or just name 10-20 that you need and I'll tell which ones i have.

Sorry for the inconvenience but I'm pretty sure I can help


12 hours ago, rishivojjala014-2 said:

I saw 1 of your accounts saw a shadow pidgey - want that , looking for mostly all shadow pokemon specially these for now - ralts ,  scatterbug , eevee , but tell me what shadows y have cause I may take them too :)

Great! Give me 20 mins to compile a list and I'll get back to you. i'll even throw in a couple of free shadows for your time :)

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6 minutes ago, GodsWithin said:

Do you mind looking over 10-15 accounts to find them? I'm currently working to move them to my main account. In the mean time do you have list of them or just name 10-20 that you need and I'll tell which ones i have.

Sorry for the inconvenience but I'm pretty sure I can help

Oh okei, no problem. When you put all together it would be easy, but for now this are some that i need:

dark barboach - dark carvanha x2 - dark chinchou x2 - dark clamperl - dark froakie x3 - dark ralts (Male) - dark gastly x2 - dark shellos east x2 - dark shellos west - dark gulpin - dark piplup x2 - dark psyduck - dark torchic - dark totodile - dark wingull x2 - dark woopper.

Edited by Alan Solis
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5 minutes ago, Alan Solis said:

Oh okei, no problem. When you put all together it would be easy, but for now this are some that i need:

dark barboach - dark carvanha x2 - dark chinchou x2 - dark clamperl - dark froakie x3 - dark ralts (Male) - dark gastly x2 - dark shellos east x2 - dark shellos west - dark gulpin - dark piplup x2 - dark psyduck - dark torchic - dark totodile - dark wingull x2 - dark woopper.

Thanks for the list, Off the top of my head i know i have a dark piplup in my main. Let me look at my accounts and get back to you. Shouldn't take long

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1 minute ago, darkxknight101 said:

3x shiny snover, 2x shiny bagon, 2x shiny cherubi, 2x shiny spheal, 2x shiny spoink, 3x shiny togepi, shiny unown ex


those for 3 unique legends

Let me go over my accounts and tell you if I have those, more than likely I do.

 Thanks for your patience

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1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

Thanks for the list, Off the top of my head i know i have a dark piplup in my main. Let me look at my accounts and get back to you. Shouldn't take long

Let me know when you can :)

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1 minute ago, Alan Solis said:

Let me know when you can :)

I'm gradually going through my accounts and updating my thread with what I have. I updated my dark pokemon list right now with what i have on one of my storage accounts. Would u need any of these pokemon? As i go through my other accounts i will tell you what else I have :)

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2 minutes ago, GodsWithin said:

I'm gradually going through my accounts and updating my thread with what I have. I updated my dark pokemon list right now with what i have on one of my storage accounts. Would u need any of these pokemon? As i go through my other accounts i will tell you what else I have :)

Metallic PoliwagMetallic Qwilfishand Dark Piplupfor my Tornadus? It's UFT in Malan :)

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Just now, GodsWithin said:

Offered from GodsWitihin, Thank you :) Check back today because I'll be listing more uniques 

Accepted! Tks you too!! Yes i will look for more :)

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1 hour ago, Alan Solis said:

Accepted! Tks you too!! Yes i will look for more :)

I just went through my firs storage account and updated my list. I checked all your pokemon too, i believe you are missing Mystic SnubbullMetallic GothitaShiny FoongusMystic Clauncher

Would you be interested in any of these? or any other new pokemon?

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2 minutes ago, GodsWithin said:

I just went through my firs storage account and updated my list. I checked all your pokemon too, i believe you are missing Mystic SnubbullMetallic GothitaShiny FoongusMystic Clauncher

Would you be interested in any of these? or any other new pokemon?

From what you listed, i want Metallic GothitaMystic Snubbull. If you have any type of Honedge or Froakie, add one and offer for my Celebi:)

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Just now, Alan Solis said:

From what you listed, i want Metallic GothitaMystic Snubbull. If you have any type of Honedge or Froakie, add one and offer for my Celebi:)

I currently do not have any spare Honedge or Froakies (accidently skipped a dark froakie on the maps :((((( ) plus i updated my rates to 2 uniques for a normal legy? Is 2 fine for you?

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1 minute ago, GodsWithin said:

I currently do not have any spare Honedge or Froakies (accidently skipped a dark froakie on the maps :((((( ) plus i updated my rates to 2 uniques for a normal legy? Is 2 fine for you?

Yes, offer then!

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Hello, let s do it easier. 

I m interested into all uniques (except normal) you havem but only those which can evolve.

Can you count them all and write me the amount of them in total ? 

After that i will tell you how many legends i can give you, already have a lot for trade, so i hope we can make a deal :)

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1 minute ago, GodsWithin said:

Done, Ill go through your pokemon and find some more that you dont have and tell you thanks! :)

Excelent, that would be perfect!

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